Junior Member
So i've been hunting for 9 years, and have really never seen RUT behavior. Always hear about Bucks chasing and crazy stuff... was starting to think it was just a joke being played on me. Until Saturday. Belmont county - had seen some deer, including a nice buck atop the ridge and out of range about mid day. As light faded, I started my dejected climb down in my climber stand. By the time I got all my stuff lowered and started to ratchet down, it was nearly dark. I was about 7 ft. from the ground when I heard what sounded like a train coming through the woods. Two deer. I could only make out shadows, but one was much bigger than the other. A game of chase was going on all around me. The noise of the dried leaves told me every zig and zag they made. I could hear it, better than I could see it. I was not quiet as climbed down, but that didn't bother this couple. He was grunting while he was running. I couldn't believe this.... I could have started yelling and I don't think they would have stopped. They circled my tree getting as close as about 20 yds. I paused my climb, just to listen and watch. Just too dark to make out how good the buck was. After about 4 minutes of this - she took off and he followed. Another day skunked, but another great new experience in the deer woods for me! I can now say I have witnessed ( Kinda) the craziness of the rut I have always heard about. My quest to fill a tag this year continues, but I keep adding to the memorable hunt category. So... as of Saturday in Belmont County.... I would say the rut was in full swing!
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