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What did you do for the deer today?


Staff member
I started on another rebuild today. Snagged this off Milo. Going to do a thread on the rebuild. Deer should love it!



Junior Member
This is my 1st attempt at a food plot. I cut down close to a 100 small scrub trees and bushes. 2 doses of glyphosate. Used a DR rototiller towed behind the lawn tractor to scratch the dirt good and break the crust. Pic is 10 days after seeding. I did manage to water it in good after seeding by running 200ft of hose. I hope it continues to grow well. I did spread 120lbs of triple 12 after the seed germinated.
good luck Buckmaster with your plot. It's considerably larger than mine. I'll probably expand mine next spring.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Checked on my grading work from last weekend. We had dumped 4-5 tandem loads of dirt, numerous shrub clippings, and shrubs we pulled out on my property all spring. Finally got it graded to fill in some low spots in the woods. Bad news: Still mud and even a bit of standing water. Good news: Much better than it used to be. Oh well. Got the rest of my life to dump and fill it in. More good news: Saw some BIG hoof prints in the mud. Also noticed in my clearing of trails there is a tree not too far into the woods which will be fantastic for a buddy stand. Don't think it will be a stand which produces a ton of deer sightings, but a feeder might change that. Mind you, I am NOT a fan of baiting. However, my cousin Bubba is coming in to hunt this fall and I am willing to bait to get him on a deer. He is mid 50s and always wanted to hunt Ohio. I have my property and one other I can get him into. Honestly think he will have better odds of meat in the freezer (and seeing a decent buck) in the other woods, but I want to give him options.
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Dignitary Member
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After loosing my hunting property ( BIL sold it ) right before this past turkey season, I've had no desire to even think about hunting all this time. Oddly, the feeling was in between getting kicked in the balls ... and yet relief. My shoulder has been giving me fits all year, & my knees are happy with not having to walk up & down hills. On the flip side, I felt robbed and cheated with only myself to blame for thinking that , but it wasn't often. My back up plan was to shoot a deer in the yard if I was that desperate, which I know will never happen. I must admit it has been a joy of not having any cams in the woods, other than the yard for sanity's sake. No going & checking & then replacing batteries ... & then forgetting to turn the damn things back on. We've all been there.

Anyway, I do have this thicket right behind the house that is loaded with deer activity. I do have pics of does, fawns & bucks too coming & going. Behind the thicket is my old hunting land that's been logged & leased. Last week the urge started to settle back down inside of me, & I deployed a handful of cams & went out yesterday & bought a few jugs of my ol reliable .... Deer Cane, for an attractant & establish some licks on the surrounding edges of the thicket where the cams are, including the edge of my yard. The plan, as before in years past, will to be sitting on the outer edges of that thicket & have bucks come thru searching for does. No sooner than I poured that out yesterday, I had visitors. All I have to do now is stay the hell away from the rest of the cams for the next month. Here''s where I have one spot right behind the shed.
cane 2.JPG
cane 3.JPG

cane 1.JPG


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Adapt and overcome or quit... I’m in a situation myself right now. No time to kick stones, go time.

Just checked the weather, looks like Tuesday I will be scattering 300# or corn along with some more minerals.

I’ve also got a couple of doors to knock on this week. Time to sack up and move forward. Get after it Kevin...not everything in life falls in your lap.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good luck Kevin.

Rick- that is a pile of work you are putting in. Year in and year out. . . You get after it.
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