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What do you do to prepare


Supporting Member
Ross County
'Take Three' - Third session of 'THE POP-CAN CHALLENGE' within the last 20 minutes of daylight for today.

Shot 5 arrows from 60 through 20 yards.

No solid hits on the POP-CAN, but 4 arrows completely surrounded the POP-CAN with 3 of them nicking it or up against the POP-CAN.

4 of the 5 (50 yard shot was the bigger miss) arrows were definitely kill shots within a couple of inches of each other, a tight group in the dark.

In fact, I need to swap out batteries for the 'Blue Burst Light' for my sight pin. The batteries died on me as soon as I completed my last shot.

Youtube took away the ability to lighten up uploaded videos recently, so you're getting the raw footage (an unedited version) and it's pretty difficult to see I think.

However, I still wanted to go ahead share it. Who knows, I may refer back to this thread one day.

Tomorrow's another day and I'll be back at it once again.

Everyone have a good evening.

Good night 'TOO'-ville!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
First session of the day done within the first 30 minutes of daylight.

My bubble level fell out of my bow sight, so I shot without it during this session. I'll be reinstalling it after this post. Hard to believe the money you pay for these bow sights nowadays and something simple as glue failure can fugg them up. Glad it happened now and not in the field where most likely I would lost the level.

Anyhow, 5 arrows shot from 60 through 20 yards.

Two solid hits on the target @30 & @20 yards. Finally back on track for my 30 yarder.

All 5 arrows in a much tighter group and all would be considered lethal kill shots.



Supporting Member
Ross County
These are after my bow sight repair and first session earlier this morning..

My second midday and third session from within the last 30 minutes of daylight are captured below.

Shot groups are getting tighter & I'm making some solid hits from the longer ranges regularly.

Midday Take Two

Last light Take Three

Yet to get a 5 out 5 solid hits, but it'll happen sooner or later.

I'll catch up with all of you tomorrow. Have a good one (y)

Good night!!


Supporting Member
Ross County
First session of the day shooting my 5 arrows from 60, 50,40,30 & 20 yards @ the POP-CAN.

2 solid hits on the POP-CAN from 30 & 20 yards.

Also - my explanation as to why I do these type of exercises and shared it with the entire world & for those that may be interested here in 'TOO'-ville.

It's a 12 minute 30 second long video if you have that kind of time to kill, just so you know.

Other than that, I hope all of you 'TOO'-liens have a great day!

Peace out! :cool:



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I go to a lot of 3D shoots, throughout the spring and summer months. This type of shooting, plus shooting in my backyard at known distances, keeps me and my equipment ready for the deer hunting season. I occasionally hunt groundhogs in wood lots, to keep me sharp with spot & stalk hunting and it helps keep me knowledgeable with the area and its' inhabitants' travel habits.

Good hunting, Bowhunter57
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Good tip on the small game hunting!

Thanks for sharing @Bowhunter57 & best of luck 'TOO' you this season!


Second middy session of the day shooting 5 arrows from 60 through 20 yards away from target.

2 solid hits from 40 & 20 yards with one from 50 yards a just miss.

Other two lower than what I like.

Third session for the day done within the last 30 minutes of daylight.

5 arrows shot from 60, 50, 40, 30 & 20 yards.

3 solid hits from 40, 30 & 20 yards with a nice 4 arrow tight group.

I'll take it!

Thursday Night Football Time...

Good night 'TOO'-ville!


Supporting Member
Ross County
Changing things up a bit going forward.

Today's video is my first session of the day.

First five arrows shot from 60 yards with my last shot solidly hitting the target perfectly.

Two others were close with two others were way off the mark.

My first shot of the day always seems to be my most difficult because of my bad shoulder being tight & stiff.

Next one will be from 50 yards away.

Three more weeks fellas until opener (y)

Have a good one!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Today's video of my second session of the day, midday.

Five arrows shot from 50 yards with two shots solidly hitting the target perfectly.

Two others approximately 3" right above the POP-CAN and my first arrow way off the mark, extremely low.

Next one will be from 40 yards away during the last 30 minutes of daylight today...

This weekend's weather temperatures are going to be very friendly with regards to setting up my finial Loc-On tree-stand before the season opener.

It's calling for rain, which is perfect!

It will wash away and knock down all the human scent while I set my stand in place. Awesome timing!

Really starting to feel it fellas. Getting a bit excited alright...

I'm sure after this weekend, after I pull my SD card from my new trail camera that I just installed last weekend within the main core area for bucks for the first time of this year, to say that I'm looking forward to viewing the data would be a huge understatement, let me tell ya!

This was last years when I did that. Check your volume - it has music with this video.
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Today's final session, my third one done within the last 30 minutes of daylight and right after I completed my mowing, trying to beat the rain.

Five arrows shot from 40 yards with three shots hitting the target perfectly.

Two others were approx. 3" off the POP-CAN.

One high right & the other low left.

Like said previously, tomorrow I'll be hanging my final tree stand for the season opener.

I have other hunting equipment that I'll be holding back and determine at a later time whether or not I'll be needing them at all this year.

Weekend weather is suppose to be cool and rainy . I doubt I'll be slinging any arrows at all over the weekend, but I will be focusing on the final details at all of my current hunting setups throughout the entire weekend.

After this weekend, I'll be staying out of the woods until the opener...

Have a good evening 'TOO' crew!


Supporting Member
Ross County
Well the Buckeye game was a complete blowout - Go Bucks!

I left the TV when the Buckeyes were way up early in the game and the rain outside got down to a mild sprinkle;

I decided to go hang my last tree stand for the season.

This particular spot I hunted a few times for the very first time late last season.

I wanted to kick myself in the a$$ for not hunting it much sooner since I knew that location had a strong history of some of the biggest bucks in my area during a certain time of the year.

Instead, I always hunted a different spot working on different bucks, which was my original mistake.

Not anymore!

Change of plans for this season!

Here's two examples of what I am talking about.

I have other examples that are just as big, in fact one of them is bigger.


when I hunted out of that tree late last season in my climber for the very first time, I almost closed the deal on a 150" class - 11 point buck. He was hot on a doe, that turned at the last minute and he followed her away from me.

This season, that tree will only get hunted out of probably 6 times at the very most.

360 degree view
2018-09-08 18.55.35.jpg

Few from ground view and if you look closely, you'll be able to tell where those bucks were standing from the previous photos. I'm standing in the exact spot where those bucks were the year before.
2018-09-08 18.52.53.jpg

Tomorow, I'll be pulling SD cards from cameras.

I'll also be detailing some of those shooting lanes at a couple locations during the rain.

I expect to have some good photographs and videos later in the afternoon of the local bucks from a main core area on the property where I hung a camera for the very first time this year last Sunday.

We're within three weeks now....

Have a good one 'TOO'-ville!

Catch up with you guys later - good night!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
I don't think I'll be able to get to my cameras today due to the amount of rain we've received over the past 24 hours. Our creeks are way up this morning and we're suppose to get even more rain throughout the rest of the day.

We're currently under a flash flood watch until 8 a.m. tomorrow.

Our creek just moments ago.

Hmmm,,, my route to many of my hunting locations.
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Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
I'm gonna drive by two properties today TOO put corn out. Taking my atv. One of the property you have TOO cross over the creek.... gonna drive through it, lol 👹
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