Got out and took a little hike 'TOO' swap out a few SD cards from a couple of cameras that I could get 'TOO'.
I ended up relocating one of my cameras 'TOO' a different area, right off a good deer run.
Below is a collage of a few photographs that I took along the way.
It's definitely wet as can be out there...
There's equipment of mine to be seen in a couple of these photos.
The heavy rain stopped, so I got my bow out 'TOO'.
First five arrows shot since almost 48 hours ago 'TOO' be exact.
We've received almost two solid straight days of heavy, heavy rain that caused our local creeks to swell quite a bit.
Now it's down 'TOO' a slight sprinkle and the creeks are starting 'TOO' get back normal depths already.
Yesterday, I did some work in the rain that caused me 'TOO' be a slightly more sore & stiff than what I'd normally be while making these five shots.
I still managed to stack two arrows on top of each other that hit the can squarely with two others very, very close.
A decent tight four arrow group with one flyer.
I'll take it considering how sore I am at the moment
Hope everyone had a good weekend considering the crappy the weather we had.
I'll catch up with guys later.
Have a good evening 'TOO' Crew