Earlier this afternoon I went out swapped SD cards on all my trail cameras.
Approximately two weeks ago I hung a couple of them in new locations.
The following below is collage of photographs from one of those new trail camera locations.
From top-left to bottom-left, then from top-right to bottom-right is the actual sequence of time as you'll be able to see for yourself the timestamps at the bottom of each individual photograph.
I just got done hanging that trail camera just moments prior of that little buck showing up in front of it
I'm washing & hanging all of my early season hunting clothes.
I've already gone through everything in my back-pack so that's ready to 'Rock-n-Roll'.
This morning I managed to get a practice session in since I didn't get one in yesterday.
I was definitely feel it in the chest & back area letting those first few arrows fly cause of the much cooler wet conditions we had this morning.
Still, I accomplished a pretty tight group from 40 yards with two solid hits out of five shots onto the Pepsi can.
I'll take it
We're within a week now fellas