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LIVE from the stand 2018-19



Also, if y’alls Hunt ain’t going too good for you try whining. Vent, get out that frustration here and let everyone know what negatives you’ve been up against this season so far. It might turn your season around.😎👍🏻
I didnt realize we were only here to share the positive things that happen on hunts. Duly noted.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Not sure what to expect... on the good side, as of tomorrow, I'm being moved to a site that works 4 10 hour days, that'll free me up to hunt fridays...

On the bad side, my granddaughter has got a bad cough. Shes going to the doctor today, but I know, it's only a matter of a couple days till my wife and I are sick as well.
Anyone out today better darn well be strapped to the tree or you’ll go flying away ...and your little dog too.
I pulled my practice stand down from the range, to put it up next to the shed because my father in law says he sees Giants there every year. Anyways. I'm up 30' in a tree. Lemme tell you, I'm not afraid of heights. And not of wind. But there was a couple gusts that made my butthole slam shut. LMAO. And to think I gotta climb back into another tree to put it back up. Lol


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
Too windy for me today. I’ll be back out tomorrow morning. I went to vote today and on the way back, around 10am there was a really nice buck trying to cross a busy road. Nicest one I’ve seen in person all year, maybe in the last couple years. Think it’s finally getting good around my part of the state. Can’t wait for later this week when the temps drop!
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Just caught up on the last 3 days of you guys! All I have to say is...
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Afternoon 'TOO'ville!

Our Dear Lord intended me to go hunt today no question about it!

Last night we received a ton rain, so now the creeks are 'TOO' swollen for me to cross with my regular hunting pack boots to get to some of my setups, however just a few hours ago, one of our huge Sycamore trees couldn't stand the 30-40 mph wind gust any more.


Now I'm blessed with a beautiful natural bridge :D


So, I proceeded to my lower 'Northern CRP Field Stand' right after I got home from my first sit at my 'Eastern Stand' around 11:00.

2018-11-06 11.51.33.jpg

Usually, when we have these strong winds like today, deer intend to bed within the 6-8' CRP fields around here.

I have two stands that cover this particular eight acre field. One on the North side and one on the South side.

Both stands are up high enough that I can usually glass the bedded bucks within the field fairly easy, however the bedded antlerless deer are far more difficult to see or find in there.

When I left there, I pulled the SD cause I know I have a couple a smaller bucks that bed in there often and most likely, they're in there right now as I type based on what the camera is telling me.


After lunch, I'll go vote, then I'll be heading back out for an evening hunt at my 'Southern Stand'.

I think it turned out to be a beautiful day even with the strong winds and warmer temp.

Best of luck to anyone who's out there trying to make it happen today!
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Sorry to read about Drew’s encounter. All I can say is it’s prolly happened to almost everyone in the hunting community at some point in their hunting career. It happens. As long as you take the most ethical shot opportunity and put all you can in to recovering the animal then that’s all you can do. I hope he gets another crack at him and good luck the rest of the season.👍🏻


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I think you misunderstood what he was saying... Ric, (Finelyshedded), whines every year about not seeing any deer. The whining reaches a fever pitch just before he kills a giant. It's a tactic. No reason to be offended.
Thank you for splainin that for me Brock! You hit it on the head. Wasn’t jabbin or poking but just having fun at my expense 😎👍🏻


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Was out and about this morning then went for a walk with the pup, several large treees snapped at their Y and laying on the ground. Lots of branches down and leaves are coming off in bushel baskets....

Might be an interesting sunrise tomorrow morning too see how the scenery has changed...


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Here’s a pic of the buck I had an encounter with yesterday morning enroute to my stand which is 20 yards behind this camera. Unfortunately he’s prolly only 3.5 an needs another couple years or more to fully meet his potential.

Ron and I are still looking for a 4.5 or older to hunt. Several 3.5’s even more younger ones but the more mature deer haven’t stepped in front of us or our cameras yet. Having fun nonetheless though👍🏻