Kody and Klay lost their baseball playoff game today. That's not good. What is good is Kody was royally pissed off and Klay was so mad he was in tears. It matters to them. That's good!
Well the prayers worked. The tomatoes were safe from Erin today. Too bad I decided to get some of it done after Graci's ball game right at dark. Let's just say, my wife might be right on this one. Those cages are pretty close. :smiley_blackeye:
I'm starting 3 weeks of vacation! Going to take the family to Myrtle Beach, drink some cold beer and enjoy not thinking about work!
Just got my midterm back from my class "Intro to Guidance Counseling". It was a bitch, but I got a 100%! I've been fretting over it, so now it's time to drink a few tonight and then get ready for the final. As soon as the final is done I'm off for the family vacation. I'm sooooo ready!!!
What's good? A little lengthy but I did shorten it up a bit.
Well, on October 30th, 2010 my wife (who's due date was Nov.3rd) and I attended my aunt's wedding...the wedding was just across the river from where we live and took place at the new house my aunt here husband just built...it was so good to see a lot of family that came in from out of town..a good time was had by all and my wife (and I) decided it was time to go home around 9:30pm...Just get on the road and my wife says she is feeling a little uncomfortable...We then get home and I help her try to get comfortable...I fell asleep and in a few hours find out she had been up in discomfort and not slept at all since we got home...October 31st, 2010 at 230am she wakes me up and says I need to call the hospital, we're going to have a baby...we checked into the hospital around 5am, epideral around 930am, and dilated and ready to go around 130pm...We chose to be surprised about the sex of the baby and at 2:04pm the head is out, a little cry and then attending pulled the babies shoulders out of the canal and finally the rest of the baby...It was a boy!!! I couldn't see a damn thing cuz my eyes were all watery for some reason but I somehow managed to cut the cord...Nolan Joseph was our little Halloween baby boy!! I will have to find the picture and post it, 4 generations of Thompsons.
Now he is 8 months old, crawling, 2 front bottom teeth, saying da-da, ma-ma, clapping, waving, cruzing around the living room...the time goes so fast!
I couldn't see a damn thing cuz my eyes were all watery for some reason but I somehow managed to cut the cord...Nolan Joseph was our little Halloween baby boy!! I will have to find the picture and post it, 4 generations of Thompsons.
Now he is 8 months old, crawling, 2 front bottom teeth, saying da-da, ma-ma, clapping, waving, cruzing around the living room...the time goes so fast!
It was a boy!!! I couldn't see a damn thing cuz my eyes were all watery for some reason but I somehow managed to cut the cord...Nolan Joseph was our little Halloween baby boy!! I will have to find the picture and post it, 4 generations of Thompsons.
Now he is 8 months old, crawling, 2 front bottom teeth, saying da-da, ma-ma, clapping, waving, cruzing around the living room...the time goes so fast!