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Well it’s official


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
North Central Ohio
Whoa whoa whoa.....enough of that "work" nonsense. Go get on Norman!!!

All kidding aside, glad things are lining up and panning out better than you had hoped. Enjoy the ride J, was GREAT hanging and messing with ya at Strouds. I truly hope you make time to make the outings like you said you will.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Whoa whoa whoa.....enough of that "work" nonsense. Go get on Norman!!!

All kidding aside, glad things are lining up and panning out better than you had hoped. Enjoy the ride J, was GREAT hanging and messing with ya at Strouds. I truly hope you make time to make the outings like you said you will.
I’ll be at Logan and strouds for sure. The family outing is questionable.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well, pod was delivered, it was emptied and it was picked up. A buddy of mine came down and helped me unload it and get some things off the top do list. During the week of the 28th. A couple more buddies came down the first and spent the weekend knocking off the rest of the list.
Hung some brackets on the supports on the deck, swapped out some outlets and added a couple. One above the fireplace and then we hung a tv mount and got the tv placed up there. Trimmed an inch off the counter where the fridge was resting on it and it’ll make way for the next new and improved fridge in the future.
Boat is safely in the garage after a flat tire was discovered after arriving here. Got that patched and using it as the spare for now.
Got some painting too do once the wife figures out the color schemes for some of the rooms. That may be a while....


Last few mornings have had a decent frost, this morning was 28* out and I grabbed the pup and headed out for a walk. Since I can’t be in a tree stand I might as well enjoy the brisk morning and enjoy the scenery....
Another couple weeks and I’ll be toting the .450 too Ohio for gun season, really looking forward too that....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well we had our first WTf just happened moment today 😂 The wife wanted too hit a winery (there’s like a dozen locally) that had a food truck with some food that sounded really interesting. So hit the shower got cleaned up and on our way we went. About half way there we came up too a sharp curve on a back country road, coming into the curve I noticed an intersection that a white ford pickup was pulling out of in front of us. I slowed down and ended up a couple car lengths behind it. I then noticed he was going from one line too the other and crossing left of center. Came up too another curve and he ended up going left of center again, over correcting back and forth then losing it. Went through a half dozen yards, took a bunch of mailboxes, just missed a few houses and how he missed all the trees was amazing... ended up spinning out through a yard and onto the side road. I came too a stop, turned down the side road and pulled into a driveway too see his next move. Well he started driving my way and made it too the stop sign with me pulling in behind him, I was on the phone at this time calling 911. Gave the dispatcher all the info and locations and there wasn’t any officer/trooper or deputy close by. They had the license # make and model and color of the truck. He pulled into a manufacturing plant and parked sa we were going by. Young Hispanic kid drunk off his ass or stoned. But regardless shouldn’t have been behind the wheel....This was 11:00 AM....