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LIVE from the stand 2019-20


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Got windier, heard more trees cracking. Decided to come out of the blind. As soon as I made that decision, this happened. Took the picture as I was leaving the property. This is in their front yard.


Staff member
Checked the wind all the way to the stand and it was fine. Climbed in and it was 180, then drifting straight N, which is terrible for that spot. I was putting a few things back in my pack so I could switch sets when I heard walking and looked down to see the Wide 8 at 22 steps in the creek bottom. He walked past me, then a waft of air hit the back of my neck and he slammed on the brakes. He froze for 10 seconds, then bounded 3 times to get to thicker cover before he slipped out of there. It was legal light, but no way I could have made him out through my peep. I immediately climbed down and switched sets. Had a really nice 2 year old 8 come through not long after I settled in. Has the same genetics as Wilson, the buck I shot in 2017 and wounded, only to have the neighbor kill him the next day.

It's not as cold as they said it would be, but it's still a beautiful morning to be out.


Checked the wind all the way to the stand and it was fine. Climbed in and it was 180, then drifting straight N, which is terrible for that spot. I was putting a few things back in my pack so I could switch sets when I heard walking and looked down to see the Wide 8 at 22 steps in the creek bottom. He walked past me, then a waft of air hit the back of my neck and he slammed on the brakes. He froze for 10 seconds, then bounded 3 times to get to thicker cover before he slipped out of there. It was legal light, but no way I could have made him out through my peep. I immediately climbed down and switched sets. Had a really nice 2 year old 8 come through not long after I settled in. Has the same genetics as Wilson, the buck I shot in 2017 and wounded, only to have the neighbor kill him the next day.

It's not as cold as they said it would be, but it's still a beautiful morning to be out.
Damn those 3 bounds! Good luck, sounds like you’re off to a good start