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Phil's 2019 season


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Frustrating and exciting all in one sit.

You would know. You've seen heavily hunted small wood lots for years. It is what it is. Good news? They never picked me off but they will look at his stand every time they come into that corner. I saw my "shooter" on the hoof and really don't think he is a shooter. Nice deer. Just not there yet. That's okay. Rut is the great equalizer (outside of gun season.) Anything can happen at any time.

Not a "gimmick" kind of guy but I do like Evercalm herd in a stick. I splurged this year and bought the VS1 estrous stuff. Put some on a tree in front of a trail camera this morning. It will be interesting to see if they respond or "how" they respond.

Morning hunt: 3 hours
Deer seen: zilch

Season totals
Hunts: 11
Hours hunted: 30
Deer seen: 45
Deer in bow range: 10
Does: 34
Bucks: 12


Dignitary Member
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Got in late. Had to do work stuff. Windy as heck when I got in late. Managed to see my first "good" scrape walking in. Rattled in a small buck. He got to 40yds and kept trotting. Took some video. Not uploading it though. Just a young 8pt. Was fun seeing him react. I let him mosey on through and 5 minutes later he came running back thru and to the place I initially saw him. Later watched him venture out of that thicket and head another way. Horny little fella trying to figure things out.

Evening hunt: 2.5hrs
Deer seen: 1
Bucks: 1
Season totals
Hunts: 12
Hours hunted: 32.5
Deer seen: 46
Deer in bow range: 10
Does: 34
Bucks: 13


Dignitary Member
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Hated leaving the woods. Small to medium bucks dogging does all morning. Unbelievable amount of action. Most fun you can have with your clothes on.

7 does and 3 bucks by 745am. 3 bucks and one of does were in bow range. 853am small buck running 2 does hard. 939am 2 more does with broken tine 2 yr old 8 trailing. Done 1015am

Possible some of these were repeat does as the bucks had them all boogered.

Morning hunt: 3.5hrs
Deer seen: 16
Does: 11
Bucks: 5
In bow range: 6

Season totals
Hunts: 13
Hours hunted: 36
Deer seen: 62
Deer in bow range: 16
Does: 45
Bucks: 18


Dignitary Member
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Had to work last night inside a shopping plaza we maintain. Did a drive between midnight and 1am around the properties I hunt. Wanted to see how much corn was taken off yesterday. Saw a tank of an 8pt. Looked like a shooter. Hard to tell in the dark. He was close enough to the road and a road light I could tell he was a shooter.

Took this morning off to rest a bit. Needed to recharge the batteries.

Shot my bow late afternoon. Cold shot at 50yds was money. Second shot at 50yds I jerked and went 6" high. 2 shots each at 20/30/40 were all within 2" of center. I've been guilty in the past of not shooting throughout the season. I know I'm not alone. I try to shoot a couple 2-3 times a week during season to retain the muscle memory and focus on the little parts of the shot which will need to go into "autopilot" when a deer is in range.

Road scouted tonight. Saw nothing the first 9 miles of driving. Then i saw a deer from last weekend. Got a better look at him and some pictures. He is mature. The body on him is blocky and tank like. Antlers? Don't quite match the body. 125-130" 8pt. Doesn't sound like much but I don't think people realize just HOW much antler is needed for an 8pt to make 140/150". It is like a needle in a haystack. Most times you won't find it. Continued road scouting.

Continued driving. Saw the same 8pt as last night. He was by the same intersection at 530-6pm. Cars were slowing down to watch him dog does in the picked corn field. I got some pics and video of him. Also a mature deer. I bet he is close to 275# on the hoof. He might make 125". I would shoot him and be proud. Mature deer is mature deer. Inches of antler don't always quantify the trophy to me. I haven't seen a bigger deer than 120-130" on the hoof or on camera all year. 4+ years old is where the trophy (to "me") lies this year. I have a good wind tomorrow. I have a great feeling where the does are bedding which he was hanging out with. I can only hope they bed where I suspect and make a 1/4-1/2 mile walk in from the back side and slide into the stand early. If I don't see him? Oh well. I had a plan. Executed the plan. Didn't work. I'll try again. I'll enjoy being in the woods and I will try to swap a card and see what is happening there. Planning on staying as long as possible but we have 3 semi loads of salt being delivered tomorrow. Going to need to cut out at some point.


Dignitary Member
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The one I'm hunting in morning is in corn stubble. The other one I've had encounters with on camera and road scouting is the one with taller brow tines.


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Dignitary Member
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Feel like I'm babysitting. Have had two different yearlings bed within 25yds. Was going to leave. Have watched most of the does filter back thru from the way they came earlier. Looked like many were young deer. Not a single buck out scent checking. Rattling brought nothing either. I think any bucks who want to get some loving are already getting it. It is happening somewhere. Just not by this stand. Been an awesome morning though.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Morning hunt: 4.5hrs
Deer seen: 8
Bow range: 4
Does: 8

Season totals
Hunts: 14
Hours hunted: 40.5
Deer seen: 70
Deer in bow range: 20
Does: 53
Bucks: 18


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Goods hunting Phil. I think younger Does come in later, so those little ones should bring something your way sooner or later

I think you're right. Farmer is picking corn hard to my west. I think this has them pushed into this property. There weren't that many last week. As he continues picking going south I think he will push more this way. Last night there were deer in the middle of the field. It was as if they didn't realize the corn was gone. 🤣