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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Official "Stay at home" ordered issued. Nothing has changed except they're "enforcing" what they already told everyone to do...

In other news the Obio pharmacy association had to require that prescriptions for Choloriqin must accompany a positive test result. Apparently, there were a ton of doctors writing scripts for themselves, friends and family that it was depleting supplies. When this is done they should all be fined and have their licenses revoked.
Nope we need the doctors - just give them a beat down and put them back to work
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Senior Member
for those of you who want or need to use a respirator with cartridge filters, keep the filters, or the whole thing, in a Ziploc freezer bag when not in use. these things continuously filter air, however little, even when you aren't breathing through it. storing in airtight bag will extend the life of the filters considerably.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
I'm sure we're all aware but just wanted to say it. Desperate times make desperate people do desperate things. And with law enforcement not really enforcing laws like theft and burglary right now, it will only embolden people. Make sure all of your shit is locked up and keep your head on a swivel. Do not forget that we have a massive heroin problem in this state. Lock up your sheds, garages, vehicles and other places. Put those Cameras python cables to good use and lock up anything not indoors like propane bottles, ladders stored on the side of sheds, etc. Keep an eye out for people out of place that just don't look right. Keep an eye out and watch out for your neighbor's place also.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I'm sure we're all aware but just wanted to say it. Desperate times make desperate people do desperate things. And with law enforcement not really enforcing laws like theft and burglary right now, it will only embolden people. Make sure all of your shit is locked up and keep your head on a swivel. Do not forget that we have a massive heroin problem in this state. Lock up your sheds, garages, vehicles and other places. Put those Cameras python cables to good use and lock up anything not indoors like propane bottles, ladders stored on the side of sheds, etc. Keep an eye out for people out of place that just don't look right. Keep an eye out and watch out for your neighbor's place also.


Supporting Member
Ross County
I'll share some personal stuff and I'm not looking for any kind of response really, it's more like a rant, which I appreciate having the opportunity to do that to get it off my chest,,, thanks!

I've been staying in close contact with both my sons since this outbreak along with other family members as well throughout the country.

My youngest is at OU and the other in Brooklyn, NY.

The one in OU will be coming home this coming weekend and the other in NY, my eldest, I asked him to book a flight out for either Friday night or Saturday morning to head home.

Well, the oldest was fairly reluctant in wanting to come home even though he's in the epic center of this pandemic at the moment in the country.

He has the ability to work remotely from anyplace with internet capability, which we do obviously and he's fortunate to be able to do that.

He's more concerned about leaving his circle of friends than understanding the real threat towards his own life. He told me that people are still gathering in large groups (more than 10) out there and left me with the impression that many aren't heeding to the official warnings still.

He's been staying in place with his roommate as best as he can for more than a week, only going out for groceries.

So, my challenge was to convince him to come home for his own safety.

It's of my opinion that young people truly do live in a social bubble and many cannot conceive/understand nor comprehend anything else beyond their own social circle/network of friends. He's been that way ever since he was a young teenager.

He's still going to book his flight out because I told him it's like having an insurance policy just in case things get much worse out there, but it was like pulling teeth to get him to do just that.

Yes, he's a young man, totally responsible in making his own decisions, however, when I was his age, I was always in the 'constant preparedness of war', which is something he has no clue of what that's like, which in my opinion, that's exactly what he's facing today.

He totally amazed me no matter how delicately or bluntly I tried to put to him.

Kids,,, God love'em & keep'em safe!
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Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Help me out. Yday Trump said he wanted to give money to the cruise ship companies. Just about every cruise ship company is registered in a foreign company to avoid paying USA taxes and to avoid USA laws - wtf
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Denny... Kind of a Catch 22 situation... I know you would like him home but being in an area that is hot has the possibilty of him bringing it home to you... If he's responsible enough to hunker down and take this serious, maybe it's better he stays put... If your dead set on getting him home I would not fly and then be in close contact with others... At this point in time the less people you come in contact the better...Have him rent a car and come home... Just my opinion...


Supporting Member
Ross County
Denny... Kind of a Catch 22 situation... I know you would like him home but being in an area that is hot has the possibilty of him bringing it home to you... If he's responsible enough to hunker down and take this serious, maybe it's better he stays put... If your dead set on getting him home I would not fly and then be in close contact with others... At this point in time the less people you come in contact the better...Have him rent a car and come home... Just my opinion...

My concern is not the virus, it's something quite different.

Domestic flights are fairly empty and I would educate him on what he needs to do if or when he decides to travel.

I truly appreciate your concern and input, and it is of my belief his safety would be much better here at home.

Like I said, he's his own man and he'll make whatever decision he thinks is best for him.

I did my part to best keep him informed.
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Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
Help me out. Yday Trump said he wanted to give money to the cruise ship companies. Just about every cruise ship company is registered in a foreign company to avoid paying USA taxes and to avoid USA laws - wtf