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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


Staff member
Outbreak in a local nursing home. 17 confirmed positives announced today. Wife is working on a case where one patient is out for testing and if positive, will impact 60 employees. My wife will be a "low risk" after encountering the patient doing her regular nursing job yesterday. However she has to violate orders from a VP and wore and N95 because, as she put it, doing the employee tracking has opened her eyes and this is legit, and if they fire her for protecting herself, she didn't need to work for them anyway.

Told ya it would come to my home. Even if he's negative, it's too close for comfort and confirms it really is just a matter of time before she's put in quarantine for 14 days.


Everyone, please feel free to check the math.. Cells A,B,C,D were pulled from the Ohio Department of Health Covid Dashboard this morning.

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As a rigid multiple of course it adds up. It’s an issue of variables such as treatment, mutation, seasonality and real percentage of symptomatic patients that cannot be calculated in terms of impact and/or timing. Just to name a few. For example, in Iceland, Vo (Italy) and other areas with higher testing rates they are finding a big percentage of asymptomatic individuals who test positive.


If we had a ton of undetected cases then our death rate as a percentage would be off. As it stands we are running pretty close to the rates seen across the world
If the rest of the world had accurate or consistently inaccurate positive rates vs population. Which no one does. Not even the beloved South Korea.
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I still think it was released intentionally and that China already has a vaccine. Just my gut...
BINGO.... I've been saying this from day one... 800+ deaths today in NYC... But it was compared to the flu...


Dignitary Member
Staff member
As a rigid multiple of course it adds up. It’s an issue of variables such as treatment, mutation, seasonality and real percentage of symptomatic patients that cannot be calculated in terms of impact and/or timing. Just to name a few. For example, in Iceland, Vo (Italy) and other areas with higher testing rates they are finding a big percentage of asymptomatic individuals who test positive.

Yes I agree to an extent. Seasonality and mutations are wishful hopes though. Neither SARS-1 or MERS showed signs of seasonal influences. I think our best hope is a drug combination treatment that reduces severity.

Let's spitball and say that all the cases that Ohio has identified so far only represents 20% of infections, and 80% have gone undetected. That would still put our fatality numbers in Ohio around 194,479 to achieve 70% herd immunity.


Supporting Member
Ross County
Under the Obama Administration, the former FCC Chair - Tom Wheeler, whom was a former Washington DC insider/lobbyist/CEO within the wireless industry.

His/this-particular speech is one of the scariest I ever witnessed/listened to in my life. I've watched it a few times over the past few years. From about 14 minutes into it, and over the next 8-10 minutes thereafter, the words spoken should make most any tech/health savvy person more than a little bit concerned/nervous. I think he's just another billionaire psychopath.

Now, please understand that I'm a former Journeyman High Voltage Electrician and a current Network Engineer today, and have been over the last twenty years. I know a little something about high frequencies/high speed data networks/infrastructure and what potential risks/dangers that correlate with them, especially at certain megahertz frequency levels.

Also, if some recall, I've also mentioned that I'm a cancer survivor as well, that can most likely be traced back to one of my past occupations, such as a lineman.

I have studied/researched plenty on this topic over the years and any of you can do much the same if you wish. Seek out for yourself what the potential concerns/risk/dangers there are when dealing with high levels of RF.

5g technology never went through an outside the industry unbiased independent formal study really with regards-to/relationship-to health and/or negative health impacts. Any of those that did come out, have been heavy censored and/or aggressively debunked by the industry paid scientists.

Still today, there's plenty of debate about it, what are possible negative health risks/impacts in relation to high levels of radio frequency? In fact, if you were to right now, look at your own smart phone in the 'system settings/health and safety' within most any new Google Android cellphone, you'll see/read a long drawn out information/explanation on Radio Frequency (RF) and what was, or was not determined regarding safety. In my opinion, it's a load of BS!

Mr. Wheeler made "damn sure" that independent studies were not conducted and whatever studies that were ever done at the time, was done within the industry itself. Remember, billions of dollars were at steak!!!

I won't harp on this particular topic/subject anymore, however this wireless 5g implementation is just one piece of the puzzle/the bigger picture/the future and I'm not convinced that it's truly in the best interest of humanity.

I really don't care to debate this further with anyone, however I care to shed some light to those that aren't aware of the controversy.

One more thing,,,, think China,,, and why we were told we'd be the first to implement this kind of technology. Were we???

Good night everyone!

China officially launches 5G networks on November 1
