Marlin model 60 for me. I've shot one since i was a kid. That one is my dads. First gun i ever bought, a marlin Model 60.. Good gun, functions good, and is accurate.. But the most important part for me is it points good. I can snap shoot with both eyes open no aiming and hit a coon at 50 yards just point shooting... Don't believe me. Ask Matt. He saw me shoot a clay he threw.. Three shots in rapid succession pow pow pow and busted the clay in the air. We kept trying and I would hit about 1 in 10..
It's also my truck gun. I have it and about 500 rounds in my truck at all times. I think the .22 is under rated for defense.. 18 rounds on target in under 8 seconds is nothing to laugh at no matter the power behind them.. That's a bunch of rounds on target in a short amount of time.. Enough to make anyone seriously reconsider what they are doing.