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LIVE from the stand 2020-21


Supporting Member
Ross County
@7:15 a.m., the big guy stepped out of his bed, from across the main creek, to the South, onto the shelf, and got nearly to the bottom of the North ridge, just shy by about 15-20yrds., to the SE of me by about 45-50yrds., then stopped, put his nose to the air, sniffed around, then stood there for quite the while to listened.

I grabbed a quick not so good photo of him because there was a small honeysuckle shrub between us, right next to him.


He then circled a bit towards the West, thinking he was going to step into a very small window, which would have put him between 35-40yrds. away.

I hooked up, turned on the Tactacam and waited patiently for him to get there while he slowly mandered around.

Instead, he turned once again, back towards the South, just shy of my window, crossed the main creek again, and back into the thick bedding area that is just to the East of my 'Northern CRP Stand'., where he originally came from.

I believe he is waiting on the ladies to show back up. I have not seen them since the night before last, when they all headed towards the freshly cut cornfield across the road as of that Thursday evening.

It's a bit chilly out this morning. A whopping 23* currently and we are supposed to have a mild East wind today, all day, which should be absolutely perfect if I get a repeat from that big buck from what he did last evening @4:40 p.m.

He's a big guy for sure and I am back on top of the North ridge for the entire day within my comfy API climber. My first morning hunt here this season.

I'm in it to win it so to speak. He's within the immediate area, approximatey within 100 yards perhaps, and I'm hoping that a hot doe eventually shows up to draw him out of his bed, or he simply screws up a little sometime today while trying to look for them, and hopefully gives me that golden opportunity to take him out.

So, I ain't movin all day. My ass is staying put, right here, waiting on his ass.

Oh, I think I have him on my Tactacam too. If so, and the quality is decent, I'll post it later when it warms up a bit. I just crawled into my 'Body Heater Suite' to warm back up. It fucking cold out and I'm just glad there's no wind with it. That would make it horribly brutal.

Well, an excellent start so far for me. No ladies yet within the area, but I do expect them to show back up anytime soon.

Good luck today guys!

It should a fun and exciting one, no doubt!
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Beautiful morning. Two does at dawn and a far off buck next field over a little after.

Then a damned coyote trotted through the woods. Didnt want to even risk a shot and mess up this calm atmosphere. Does anyone think the coyote passing through will affect the deer I see?
I don’t hunt anymore. But if I did, I’d tell you that I had a coyote come through at 5 yards earlier. Ten mins after i had two does to my other side at 15 yards. And just now a fawn doe walked right over the yotes trail and did one little skip step.
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I'm back up. The last time in this stand. Bittersweet. Have killed a bunch of does and two shooter out of here the last few years. Unfortunately, new owner bought the place and doesn't want anyone hunting it. The farm is literally next door but, I loved this stand. Well, here's for the good old last times sake! So long Buck Trail!

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Senior Member
Constitution Ohio
I'm back up. The last time in this stand. Bittersweet. Have killed a bunch of does and two shooter out of here the last few years. Unfortunately, new owner bought the place and doesn't want anyone hunting it. The farm is literally next door but, I loved this stand. Well, here's for the good old last times sake! So long Buck Trail!

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I’ve lost or given up quite a few farms over the years. Some were more painful than others. Good luck on your last sit.


Junior Member
Congrats! Just got in stand. Over dressed and am sweating. The 2 scrapes by this stand were freshened up by what looks to be an angry buck. Branches twisted and broke over the scrape and still green on the break. Guess i shouldnt have slept in this morning.