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Looking to buy coyotes


Dignitary Member
Staff member
If he wasn't a licensed fur buyer and you sold to him would that have been an issue? I'm always skeptical of people in general but this one had my radar dinging LOL!

If he doesn't have one then he could be in trouble and since it's across state lines a violation of the lacy act. But I don't think there are any restrictions on the seller that I have seen. I've never seen anything saying that you have to verify a furbuyer permit before the sale.
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Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker
It’s funny how everyone’s “gaydar” alert went off. Some were skeptical as to why he wanted to pay such a high price...others are like “what the hell is this guy doing to these yotes”, like he had some kinda fetish. Next he insults everyone...then comes back saying several times the no one wants 50 or 100 dollar bills. The weird part is that he doesn’t want anyone to skin them...he wants the entire body. Wouldn’t be surprised if he was a distant relative of Ed Gein.


Well-Known Member
Nw oh
?????? We joked at work one year saying we were going to start a business. He beat us to it. Remove if it's to much.

Ken burns

I'm still interested in the dogs lmao
But seriously gentleman didn't mean to get all your panties in a bunch. I am a newbie on the site so I don't know how all you guys roll. No punt inteded
Btw cracked screen on phone I am too lazy to go through fixing Grammer I'm a savage not a scholar