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Looking to buy coyotes

Ken burns

I'm literally 10 minutes from Canada fyi look at the pictures of dog piled up them are notWESTERN. "golden" dogs

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The article claims the western coyote is in higher demand. Eastern are bringing 17-46 bucks... I think I remember that correctly.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Well here you guys go secrets out but the one I want are really for me. To hang

Uh. There's no secret there. The early 2020 NAFA report spoke of how the parka manufacturer Canada Goose has been driving the coyote trim market for about a year. However, they also announced that they will stop using real fur and only use recycled by the end of this year and crashed prices.

NAFA when bankrupt this year which left FHA as the only global fur buyer/ seller in Canada. They canceled their spring auction and rescheduled for August hoping Covid would be over. The Canadian border was still closed in August so they had an online auction that was a flop. The best western coyotes averaged $77 and the highest eastern coyote pelt sold for $18 with the vast majority unsold, and those that did brought an $8 average.

If you want them for display why don't you go out and shoot your own coyotes to show off?

I just got these two pelts back from USA Foxx and Fur last week that I caught last season. The best part is, when people come over I can look them in the eye and tell them the story about how I caught them.



Dignitary Member
Staff member
I saw A picture of you with A coyote. I wasn't questions if you had some or not, just why you'd want to buy them to hang on the wall instead of killing them yourself.

Ken burns

Don't mind the pics where I looked fucked up(because I was drrunk and skiing ) in the quad set especially. I got it all recorded on thermal too if anyone wants to watch it 5 came in


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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Don't mind the pics where I looked fucked up(because I was drrunk and skiing ) in the quad set especially. I got it all recorded on thermal too if anyone wants to watch it 5 came in

Cool pics. Looks like you can kill them, so why buy them.

Ken burns

Because. We do not have an abundance of dogs out here like there . I'm coyote Ken out here man be people know it. I got the best gear put in most time .
That's why I want to buy dogs people want em and so do I . I could buy them from you guys so you make money . And I could get rid of some and keep some . I'm sure as fuck never gonna give one of mine away too much of a throphy for me.

Like I mean come on act like men dude . Seriously you guys got so upset about the deer. Garbage drop off earlier. I felt bad for homeowner having it in front yard you guys were like ahhhh poor deer. Maybe that's how I feel when you guys shoot the dogs and leave them lie in ditch.

And honestly I talked to your man Giles. We shot the shit actually talked I'm sure he wouldnt be like gaydar and blah blah blah.

But gentleman my skins like leather.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Because. We do not have an abundance of dogs out here like there . I'm coyote Ken out here man be people know it. I got the best gear put in most time .
That's why I want to buy dogs people want em and so do I . I could buy them from you guys so you make money . And I could get rid of some and keep some . I'm sure as fuck never gonna give one of mine away too much of a throphy for me.

Like I mean come on act like men dude . Seriously you guys got so upset about the deer. Garbage drop off earlier. I felt bad for homeowner having it in front yard you guys were like ahhhh poor deer. Maybe that's how I feel when you guys shoot the dogs and leave them lie in ditch.

And honestly I talked to your man Giles. We shot the shit actually talked I'm sure he wouldnt be like gaydar and blah blah blah.

But gentleman my skins like leather.

So youre looking to buy skins to show off so that your wall matches you ego of being "Coyote Ken" the biggest coyote hunting guy known far and wide with the best gear but not enough skin?
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Ken burns

Lmao here we go boys ........ Since that's what you guys are

Fuck you jerkalope you fucking idiot

Your prob one of them kamela Harris Joe Biden riding mother fuckers .

Pc out I'm heading back to 8 mile fuck this thread

Sorry Giles : your a good dude. Too bad your friends are fucking twat clowns