Well-Known Member
@Fletch I respectfully disagree with the outfitters statement and doe kills. This is my opinion.
Outfitter: The parcels around me are ~100 acres. The outfitter has "leased" the adjoining 1,800 acres and in the first year or two I agree with you, didn't shoot med sized deer and kept a respectable distance from the private property. ... then ... once he rotated hunters in and shot all the mature bucks in the 1,800 acres he made bait piles along the entire private property and baited/baits them HEAVY Jun- Feb. Camera on every pile - about 50-60 bait piles. IF he sees a mature or decent buck with a pattern he puts a hunter in the stand and kills it for $. IF they were private owners - there is generally a limited amount of tags and 'inconsistent' ability to hunt correctly and effectively. I've had to invest an incredible amount of time, labor and $ to try and keep some mature bucks from falling prey into the See and Shoot Outfitter that makes $ off our public resource.
Does. Along with the issues above the outfitter doesn't shoot ANY does - the ballooning doe population and consistent harvest of almost every mature buck around me has caused a unbalanced herd - Shooting mature does is the proper way to manage a herds size and M/F proportion. I agree to not shoot does if one is trying to rebuild a herd after some 'event' and as a wildlife manager you want to increase the herd. IMO does also make far better table fare.
.... Everyone gets pissed at outfitters, well guess what they are probably one of the best things to improve a deer herd in an area... Reason being they have antler restrictions and therefore deer get to get a little older...
Yet he never shoots a single doe and holds out for a good buck.... We need more deer hunters like him....
Outfitter: The parcels around me are ~100 acres. The outfitter has "leased" the adjoining 1,800 acres and in the first year or two I agree with you, didn't shoot med sized deer and kept a respectable distance from the private property. ... then ... once he rotated hunters in and shot all the mature bucks in the 1,800 acres he made bait piles along the entire private property and baited/baits them HEAVY Jun- Feb. Camera on every pile - about 50-60 bait piles. IF he sees a mature or decent buck with a pattern he puts a hunter in the stand and kills it for $. IF they were private owners - there is generally a limited amount of tags and 'inconsistent' ability to hunt correctly and effectively. I've had to invest an incredible amount of time, labor and $ to try and keep some mature bucks from falling prey into the See and Shoot Outfitter that makes $ off our public resource.
Does. Along with the issues above the outfitter doesn't shoot ANY does - the ballooning doe population and consistent harvest of almost every mature buck around me has caused a unbalanced herd - Shooting mature does is the proper way to manage a herds size and M/F proportion. I agree to not shoot does if one is trying to rebuild a herd after some 'event' and as a wildlife manager you want to increase the herd. IMO does also make far better table fare.