I really do not care to continue to participate in this thread, however sometimes it is very difficult not to pass along what I consider good information, regardless if anyone takes heed to it or not. I just believe it is the right thing to do on my part and I can only hope that everyone here does do their own do diligence in trying to weed through all the muck out there to seek what little truth may be available, for the best interests for you and your loved ones, obviously.
With that said,
Dr. Byram Bridle is another person that leaves me with the impression that he is trying to sound off the alarm bells with backed scientifically proven peer reviewed study journals, with supporting data regarding the spike protein within the current mRNA vaccines that are being practically forced upon the American general public.
I attached just a couple of the articles but, there is far more information that is out there regarding what the kind doctor who cares to inform the general public about, and I found what he had to share was beyond interesting.
Dr. Byram Bridle exposes the Japanese study showing where the spike protein (synthetic mRNA) accumulates in the human body once it gets into the blood stream. This he says explains the reason we are seeing so many adverse reactions. What many people around the world already knew, this is...
It's been two weeks since the original report and mainstream media continues to ignore it. Instead of moving away from it, we're doubling down and exposing the truth to as many as possible.