I wonder if Big Holla knows anyhing more since he's up that way.
He was interviewed by Mike Avery (local outdoor radio show in the middle lower peninsula) before it was killed and highlighted his hunting career up to that point. No doubt he hunted big bucks and was proud of every one he killed.
Nick... I'm in the same boat with you... I think it's fake... If it were real then he would have it verified just to shut people up... And to be honest... That deer didn't even impress me... Maybe it's the floppy ears....I read all of the stuff I could on Mitch. It’s fake, he did it to fuck w the group. If you killed the world record and never intended on certifying it, why would you say anything. After milo was losing bookings and money, he put a law suit on Mitch and told him prove it or shut the fuck up and disappear. Well you know what happened huh’s.
the world record is worth millions of dollars. I have no intentions to officially get a deer scored, but a world record…..everyone’s momma gonna know and I’m gonna get paid!
Mitch was a scorer and knew the ends and outs. They went back and removed all his records and believe they found some phony stuff.
a logical man, hunter and lover of the outdoors, I would think, feel the same way I do.
All he needed to do was have an X-ray performed.I admit, I don't know the guy, or the other for that matter, and honestly, I really don't care who they are or what they've done or potentially have accomplished cause I simply don't know them. They're strangers to me as far as I am concern.
I do care about the animals/wildlife though! As long as the animal was harvested ethically, legally and everything is on the up & up about the hunt or hunts, then great, but if the hunter can't or won't stand behind their method of harvest and prove without question on their kill, then they should be investigated by law professionals to see if anything illegal has occurred, and if so, they should be charged appropriately, especially if any of the story behind the kill was brought to the forefront of the public domain.
Again, I don't know anything about the guy or the story, and this is the first I have ever heard about it, so, my first question right off the bat would be, why hasn't this guy been investigated for potential fraud at least, or something to that effect, or has he?All he needed to do was have an X-ray performed.
Again, I don't know anything about the guy or the story, and this is the first I have ever heard about it, so, my first question right off the bat would be, why hasn't this guy been investigated for potential fraud at least, or something to that effect, or has he?
If the guy wanted to be a dick, then so be it. I assume that some legal agency looked into this guys deer, right? Especially if it was a potential world record.
From what little I have read on this thread about it, it appears that he was looked into, and if (allegedly or factually?) some of his deer was taken off the books, then I assume the guy might have been legally challenged in some fashion over the whole controversy.
Is there still or any, legal group looking into this guy's claim, or is this a done deal at this point?
Strange story nonetheless and my initial hutch from what little I have read about it here, is, there does seem to be something rather fishy about it all, and if I was a wildlife legal expert investigator, I would pursue a case against the guy because, obliviously, there seems to be ongoing questions/debate about it all.
NR shot a buck in Ohio and tagged it out of state, then brought the deer to a booth at the deer and turkey expo. It was recognized by a hunter who had pictures of it in Ohio. The mount was confiscated by the DNR right then and there.
I kind of remember hearing about that story. How long ago do that happen do you recall?
Oh hell. Probably 2007 or 8.
Boys and Girls, if any of you ever shoot a giant, your first call needs to be to the game warden. Second would likely be a lawyer. Third would be your significant other. (They would need to know to STFU) Many of lives have been ruined over big deer. Lots of hunting spots destroyed. All for what?
Ball sack pic first and foremost!I figured a iks thread would be first thing lol!
And that right there is where things have gone and IMO is how the whole thing started here. Out of hand and into the rumor mill well before he could get things straight. Maybe some day we will know for sure.Boys and Girls, if any of you ever shoot a giant, your first call needs to be to the game warden. Second would likely be a lawyer. Third would be your significant other. (They would need to know to STFU) Many of lives have been ruined over big deer. Lots of hunting spots destroyed. All for what?