Basically everything is coming to fruition of what I predicted way back on April 7, 2020, even though I caught flack for it. Some even felt the need to call me names or somethin to the effect of labeling me as a conspiracy theorist/tin-foil hat wearer.
You can go back through the following hyperlink and read it for yourself from that page and going forward from there.
Look, if people don't try to understand that our country's government has been severely subverted, and has been for a long time, then I really feel sorry for you and all the others that believe big brother is coming to your rescue. I hate to say it, but sooner than later, and perhaps much sooner than what I antipatent, you're gonna have a real rude awakening.
I have no answer for you regarding an end solution for the entire mess, however, I have stated several times within this thread, "prepare for the worst and hope the best". That is about the best I can come up with for anyone that I know and care about.
Our country, or much of the masses within her, have been under hypnosis for years. No matter how much you try your best to "red pill" them, they just simply believe our government would NOT do such a thing. How sad!
It is of my opinion, that our government will, cause history tells us so.
Please try not to beat me up over this post, but me wanting to toot my own horn here, if that's what it takes to wake just another individual up from this utter lie we're all livin, then I'm okay with that!