I honestly can't tell you all how many times I went through this entire thread over the past month, but it's been a lot!
What is very interesting to me after doing so, much of the videos that I have shared and/or documents, along with others, such as
@Mike , have either been deleted/removed or censored because the big tech monopolies are not our friends, obviously!
Don't think for a minute that they aren't being controlled/handled/bought by those that are truly our biggest enemies, such as China, that no doubt have huge investments/interests at the very least in/behind Silicon Valley California.
I agree with
@triple_duece , how strange that the narrative is slowly changing with regards to this whole covid crap. Maybe more people are finally starting to wake up to all this bullshit. I certainly hopes so, for sake of the future of our country.
To be clear, I do appreciate all those that have participated in this thread and shared much relevant important information. I think this thread will go down in history as perhaps one of the most important outside the sport we all love and cherish.
Thanks Joe
@Jackalope !