I've bought a bunch more since I posted that pic. I now own a pair of the Kiln Long John bottoms with the Kiln Quarter-Zip top, a Ranger Stretch Snapshirt, the Corrugate Guide Pants, the Catalyst Vest, their Leafy Suit Jacket, a neck gaiter, beanie, and one of their new travel bags. Everything I've received is of a high quality. I've worn the Obsidian pants a good bit now and love them. My only caution to you is that their stuff is designed to fit dudes shaped like me and JB, not so much you and JW. It's more a length thing than a girth thing. (That's what she said...) Example being, you may want an XL top to fit your chest, but an XL Kiln Long John top on you would look like pant legs, not shirt sleeves.