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Adjustable Single Pin?


For hunting or target?

I bowhunted for over 25 years with one pin, but it was not adjustable:)


Staff member
I have never used one. However sights like HHA have a loyal following and most of the folks I know who shoot one, swear by it. The obvious attraction is only having one pin to consider at the moment of truth. With today's faster bows, you can get a one-pin set up to 30-35, even 40 yards depending on how you set things up. I like the idea of one pin to 30 yards and only taking shots 35 and in. Although it is a sound philosophy, it is not one I employ. The cons for me are the fear of bumping the dial (on models with one) and not realizing it until I watch an arrow sore over/under a deer. I also want to be deadly to at least 50 yards so that if the conditions are right, I can reach out and touch one. I've always shot 4 pins and it has worked well for me.

There are a handful of single pin guys on here who I'm sure will check in...


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Supporting Member
For target shooting maybe. But I can't imagine hunting with one. What happens when you have a deer walking in, and have to worry about moving a pin to the perfect spot, then why if it takes another trail and you have to keep adjusting it. There's just too many variables for me. But I've never personally used one so I don't know.
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Senior Member
Athens County
My top pin is set at 25 yard. I then have a 35 and 45. Ive never used anything but the 25 while deer hunting.

If i had a prob mixing them up, i wouldnt hesitate going to one pin.

****missed the 'adjustable' part when posting****.

Had one in my earlier days, kept it on 25 yards when hunting and never changed it
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Senior Member
Have you thought of getting a pendulum pin? supposed to be pretty solid out to 30ish yards depnding on what you shoot. Just aim and let er rip not adjusting needed.


Junior Member
I shoot a sword centurian one pin slider and have done so for four years..prior to that I shot an hha slider for 3 years..i'm pretty fond of the one pin..and the only times ive messed up and forgot to readjust the pin has been during practice lol..which sucks I might ad because I've lost those arrows ha. a lot less clutter with the multipins that just kinda blur together for me at longer ranges. I've always been able to move the pin where I needed to without much effort and without being busted..hope it stays that way..i have mine set with marks at 25, 40, 50, and 60..i can shoot under me to about 35 with the first setting..
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*Supporting Member*
Love my single pin . I don't need to adjust it unless a deer is 35 yds plus . If a deer is out there I want it to be calm and ranged before I shoot so taking w second to adjust my pin isn't a big deal .

Big H

Senior Member
Thanks for the input guys. I used to shoot a single fixed pin, and with the newer bow I have now I have a multi pin, which I have never liked due to the clutter (and my eyes getting old I am sure). I ordered an adjustable single pin sight, so I will let you know how I like it, once I get it and set it up.


Dignitary Member
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I have 8 pins. 20-90. Although I'd never shoot a deer over 50. Well. I shouldn't say never. I have once at 54 yards. But generally I try to keep them below 40


Junior Member
Love my Black Gold single pin, the only con I see and I haven't had any issues yet (more of a concern) is the little yardage pointer. It's held in with a cap screw. My luck that screw will back out and the pointer will fall out of the sight!

Single pin is the only sight for me. My 3 pin I had issues with all the pins blending together which caused some serious issues. Switched to a Vipet pendulum then to Ascent.


Junior Member
I used an HHA slider last year at the beginning of the season. I ended up going back to my five pin after a few weeks. I like the slider for target but while in the stand I like to keep things simple. The only real drawback is the set up. I had a hard time getting it dialed in. But once it was there it worked well. I ended up selling it and this year I bought the trophy ridge react sight.


Staff member
Kicking this oldie back to the top as I'm giving more thought to switching to a single pin, especially if I upgrade bows in the off season. I'm leaning towards one for both the simplicity, but a clear sight picture in the heat of the moment. Just curious what the thoughts are out there these days.
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Active Member
The Flatlands
I am using a SpotHogg Fast Eddie XL Double Pin. With my particular setup my top pin set at 20 puts my bottom pin at 35. I find that to be absolutely perfect for pretty much every situation I run into hunting Midwest whitetails. I like to keep my shots inside of 35, and anything between 20 and 35 can easily be compensated for. I have a 29.5” 70# draw with 565 grain arrows. My tape allows me to shoot out to 100yds, and I could stretch it further if I slid the sight closer to the riser of my bow since I don’t have enough clearance if I lower the sight anymore. My sight is pretty damn heavy, but it is built like a brick shithouse.


Supporting Member
Ross County
I have two HHAs KingPins. One single KingPin and one three KingPin. Both are equipped with a dial in adjustable wheel for yardage to target. I used the single for two seasons and it's still on my older Mathews Solo-Cam. The three pin is on the Mathews No-Cam. I prefer the three pin over the single for quicker acquisition on quick targets, especially on any moving target, or a deer hops in/out a few steps from what I previously ranged. I primarily set the middle pin for 30yrds, which the top is good for 20 and the lower for 40. If I need to make a quick adjustment on the fly, I can easily do that by a minor turn verses the single where as I would have to turn the dial much further to make those 10 yard increment adjustments, and with my poorer eyesight today, that takes too much time for me with a live moving target. I would be willing to sell my single pin and it's in prefect condition if interested and like I said, I used it for two seasons, then in my bow case for two more. I have brand new set of tapes for it as well for your arrow configuration.

So, three pin adjustable on the fly is my go to today. Sight window is not impacted negatively IMO with the three pins over the single. Much better than the five pin I used before I went with HHAs.
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Staff member
I am using a SpotHogg Fast Eddie XL Double Pin. With my particular setup my top pin set at 20 puts my bottom pin at 35. I find that to be absolutely perfect for pretty much every situation I run into hunting Midwest whitetails. I like to keep my shots inside of 35, and anything between 20 and 35 can easily be compensated for. I have a 29.5” 70# draw with 565 grain arrows. My tape allows me to shoot out to 100yds, and I could stretch it further if I slid the sight closer to the riser of my bow since I don’t have enough clearance if I lower the sight anymore. My sight is pretty damn heavy, but it is built like a brick shithouse.
That's the sight that I'm eyeballing pretty heavy right now and we have similar setups. I'll be 30.5" and probably 70+, with an arrow in that 525-575 range. Do you feel like the two pins are easy to distinguish even in that vertical setup.


Active Member
Salesville ohio
I have to two HHAs KingPins. One single KingPin and one three KingPin. Both are equipped with a dial in adjustable wheel for yardage to target. I used the single for two seasons and it's still on my older Mathews Solo-Cam. The three pin is on the Mathews No-Cam. I prefer the three pin over the single for quicker acquisition on quick targets, especially on any moving target, or a deer hops in/out a few steps from what I previously ranged. I primarily set the middle pin for 30yrds, which the top is good for 20 and the lower for 40. If I need to make a quick adjustment on the fly, I can easily do that by a minor turn verses the single where as I would have to turn the dial much further to make those 10 yard increment adjustments, and with my poorer eyesight today, that takes too much time for me with a live moving target. I would be willing to sell my single pin and it's in prefect condition if interested and like I said, I used it for two seasons, then in my bow case for two more. I have brand new set of tapes for it as well for your arrow configuration.

So, three pin adjustable on the fly is my go to today. Sight window is not impacted negatively IMO with the three pins over the single. Much better than the five pin I used before I went with HHAs.
How much do you want for the kingpin? And where are you located? I need another sight for next year and that’s what I’m looking for!
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