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POW! Went the gun


Supporting Member
Ross County
Here you go genetlemen.

Just got a very well educated course on 'how to' for the scoring business of deer antlers going forward.

I'll correct all my previouss statements on the earlier posts of mine.

I fully understand what I did wrong now with that 'Wildgame Trophy Tape', which Tom shared with me that it has messed up a lot of people using it many of times, and obvoiusly, me as well.

Anyhow, this buck is still impressive to Tom, due to the fact of the deer being very symmetrical with less than two inches in deductions, which he said was rear, and wide. Said, he too would've shot him on the spot, no question about it.

I appologise for my terrible mistake and/or any misrepresentation! Like I said, a lesson learned for me through all of this.

BTW, I got pulled over on the way here for speeding in town. Officer was very nice in letting me go with a verbal. I had a lot of weight in the bed of the truck while going down hill, I had the brakes covered, but didn't get slowed down quite fast enough when he caught me on radar. That added time in getting back to you all, plus I caught up with Tom for a bit, chit-chatten.

On my way back home now. I absolutely do appreciate getting this all straightened out now and hope that it does it for you fellas too. Hope you're satisfied with the final results going forward.

Thanks again and take care!



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Did you have fun? Enjoy the hunt? Happy with the deer? That's all that really matters.

2013 I "scored" my 14 pt. Had a chubby like it was my honeymoon. Then someone pointed out you only take 4 mass measurements. I had taken one in between each point. Had to deduct 6 mass measurements (3 on each side). 🤣🤣🤣. Didn't change anything but the number I came up with on my own. I would have shot him again given the opportunity.


Active Member
Salesville ohio
If you take 4 mass measurements, the deer I killed this year is several inches bigger than 155… we only measured 3. Not that I care what he scores “officially” but it would be nice to know what he actually goes just for future knowledge. We got 155 3/8. Guess I can have him done officially after he’s mounted and dried???


Supporting Member
Ross County
@Clay Showalter - Yes, no problem!

Basically, the application of the tape for all the tines was started off in wrong place, and I honestly didn’t know what to do on a couple of other areas as well while using the instructions of the ‘Wildgame Trophy Tape’, which are quite vague in my humble opinion.

All I really cared to do at the time was to get a quick ballpark estimate of what the potential measurement was of the deer’s antlers before I began to skin the head and begin the euro mount process.

I had no intentions of having the deer officially scored, but I did recall that I bought that ‘Wildgame Trophy Tape’ a long time ago, at least three years ago or better, and placed it in a box of miscellaneous deer items.

On that morning, I pulled the tape out and attempted the application. I simply grabbed the tape and started taping up the deer’s antlers, using the instructions as my guide, along with the illustrations provided with it as well, nothing else. I was completely unsure though on how to go about a couple of measurements, such as the brows.

I was too low in applying the tape for all tines, including the brows, which used up more tape. I also was off a little bit on each of the ‘H’ measurements, not being applied precisely where they needed to be, but then again, I was being quick about it all and was only attempting to get a rough estimate so, I really did not put forth much effort into being precise.

Once all the ‘Wildgame Trophy Tape’ was applied to the deer’s antler, whatever number that is left on the roll of tape is supposed to be the deer’s antler measurement, which stated on the one that I used up was 139 ½ inches, knowing that I was not being exactly precise in the placement on want I thought was only a couple of places, not nearly all the places.

Now, I do absolutely regret for not putting forth a true valid effort in researching the official guidance of measuring deer antlers that I am certain is completely available on-line somewhere, to ensure that what I was doing was being done correctly. If fact, I have researched it once before a long time ago. I did not do that at the time the other morning, but now wished that I did for obvious reasons because I screwed up badly.

Anyhow, it’s all said and done now, or at least I hope so.

The deer was officially scored this afternoon, and I did learn some valuable information regarding the whole subject matter as well.

I am confident that it will never happen again going forward.

Thank you Brain @Boarhead for pointing my mistake out and setting me straight once again, much appreciated!

And thank you to all you others once again as well for all the kind comments regarding this year’s buck harvest of mine. Very much appreciated as well!

And finally, to all the others that are still working on filling a buck tag. I wish you the absolute best of luck in making that happen. Please understand, I've been in your shoes over the last few years myself, hunting in the late season. It can be done, I'm sure of it, so stay hard at it and understand that I will support all your efforts completely in making that happen.

Take care everybody and thanks again!


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