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What did you do for the deer today?


Staff member
The plot screen has sprouted and should do well given the rain it got and now it'll dry up some, so growing conditions are pretty solid.


Was at the local co-op and saw the crushed Trophy Rock and thought I'd give it a whirl at $15 for a 30# bag. It certainly has all the right ingredients, so we'll see how they take to it.


The Big Plot got mowed last Monday and it got nuked today. If the weather cooperates, Eagle forage beans are getting broadcast in here around the 4th of July, then I'll broadcast a TBD blend into in late August based on how they grow. If it's thick and lush, I'll skip it, but I suspect a blend with clover, rye, and some brassicas won't hurt.

Right now is a great time to get your licking branches up / replace those that need replaced, in front of your stands to let them collect scent. I have one at every stand and in a shooting lane.

I found it was best to have a fresh vine hanging each year. Some I was able to get the deer to use 2 years in a row but once they start falling apart they will abandon them. There are still plenty of vines around so each year it will be for us. Definitely a good time of year to get them established and full of community scent.
When we were down by this old mock scrape (on the edge of the picture frame where the deer has his nose) I noticed the old piece of cotton rope I had hung several years ago was all tied up and looked like a mess. There were deer tracks below it but they often pass by that spot when moving through so I really thought it wasn't being used. Til I started seeing deer were actually visiting it. Guess I may have to look into fixing that spot up better and likely will use the same rope or a new one as it always had visitors in the past.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Finally came across some mineral rocks & deer cane today, so that's deployed. Also, I've been wanting to try some hanging rope licks & I keep forgetting, until yesterday. So that was done & since it's too early to put any type of deer scent on them, I dipped the ends into the jugs of the cane to jump start 'em. Hopefully it'll be a fun watch.


Staff member
Spent 6 hours on the brush hog and 3 on the mower today, most of which was deer-oriented. We have 2 fields infested with cocklebur and Johnson grass, so I mowed those off to be planted in @at1010's mix, and I cleaned up all the trails on the top half of the farm. I also opened up these little pockets in the sanctuary next to the Corner Pocket (which also got mowed). I'd mowed these in the spring and the deer were clearly using them to travel and bed. This are scent checking destinations for bucks in the rut and is the area my 2019 buck was headed the night I killed him.


This field was seeded in clover and orchard grass in May. Never seen this level of infestation before. They were 6-7' in places.


The new plot got away from me due to rain and a terrible life schedule. The plot screen on the left could use some urea and the Johnson grass in the main plot is gonna get nuked a few times over the next year. I'm gonna a claim this using Al's system.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Did my best @bowhunter1023 impression today and also spent considerable time on the tractor. 4 hours worth of brush-hogging, mowing between my windbreak and riparian buffer tree plantings. First mow of the year so it was a bit tedious, trying to find and also not hit the tree seedlings amongst the tall vegetation. Not a huge benefit for the deer as of right now but in the long run it’s what’s best for the trees. And on the plus, I’m covered up in mourning doves. They should really pile in now that I’ve put a bunch of available seed on the ground and opened things up.

Back at it again in the morning…