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What did you do for the deer today?


Staff member
I made it easier for all of us to get around today. Mowed a solid mile worth of trails. I still have some more mowing to do, but after 20+ hours, I'm 80% of the way there. We have places that went from hay field to impassable in 10 years. I reopened one trail where the briar-honeysuckle combo was 10' tall! The trail system is laid out to encourage traffic to flow past a few stands and they feed into the food plots. I can't wait to fly the drone in October and see it from the bird's eye!



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
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Couple closeups of the bees enjoying part of our polinator plots.
We planted nearly 3 acres in small plots on our 88 acres. Mix of Polinator and regular food plot (Mixture of wheat, brassica, clovers, turnips and radishes).
Basically bought 5 different bags from rural king and dumped them all in the same bucket...
You planted Jewel Weed? I didn't know you could even buy it.


Staff member
I wonder how much corn was dumped out this weekend? This wasn't the spot we intended to bait. But we were moving deer around that were in the area I wanted. So we stopped short. Levi also bought himself a cell camera. So it looks like we will be in the game.View attachment 161066View attachment 161066
Our feed mill had sold 1,750# by 9:30 yesterday morning. I saw some old boys from NC unload 4 55-gallon drums of it on Friday. Spent more on corn than they did the lease 😂