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Looking for areas to move to


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Im married, no kids. They arent fans of my wife only for personality differences. My brother has 3 kids and lives 45 minutes away. They have not made it a secret those grand kids are the most important thing to them. I'm happy they have the grandkids to focus on and I can see it makes them so happy. My mom makes the passive aggressive comments to my wife about us not having kids. I have to hear about it every time. 😆
You and I are in the same boat. I no longer talk to my mom partially bc of the way she treats my wife. She's all pissed off that my wife had girl problems and had to have things removed so we can't have kids. That woman has forgotten where she came from.

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
Im married, no kids. They arent fans of my wife only for personality differences. My brother has 3 kids and lives 45 minutes away. They have not made it a secret those grand kids are the most important thing to them. I'm happy they have the grandkids to focus on and I can see it makes them so happy. My mom makes the passive aggressive comments to my wife about us not having kids. I have to hear about it every time. 😆
Well now that you added this information screw her lol, she has no right to treat your wife badly.
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Active Member
Carbon, In
You can't live your life chasing someone else's dream. Go chase YOUR dream and enjoy YOUR life. You and your wife have a commitment to each other and that relationship is the one that matters most.
That is my plan but my parents can't believe I won't sacrifice my happiness to be close to them and my brother with the GRANDCHILDREN! My mom even went so far as to say she regretted sacrificing for me in her life if I'm not willing to sacrifice now. We are talking some major mental jiu jitsu here!


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I left my mom and dad back in 2002'. Left my entire family to better myself as a person and fight the better cause. I too suffer from a mother with mental issues. She says some hateful shit sometimes and I have had to do things for me. We get along much better with some distance between us. There are a number of members here that are family to me. Much closer than any of my siblings have ever been. Don't get stuck on the word family. It is more of a meaning.

I would also try and not be upset with her. She is being driven off emotion and can't be faulted. She helped mold the person you are today and if she doesn't realize the morals you have, she has to live with that. Not you. You can only control you.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Also, when I did move "back". I moved 200 miles away and 3.5 hours away from home. Knowing that I moved my wife away from her family, I am prepared to follow her back if our kids travel. My friends and family will not stop me from following what my wife and I have.

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
I left my mom and dad back in 2002'. Left my entire family to better myself as a person and fight the better cause. I too suffer from a mother with mental issues. She says some hateful shit sometimes and I have had to do things for me. We get along much better with some distance between us. There are a number of members here that are family to me. Much closer than any of my siblings have ever been. Don't get stuck on the word family. It is more of a meaning.

I would also try and not be upset with her. She is being driven off emotion and can't be faulted. She helped mold the person you are today and if she doesn't realize the morals you have, she has to live with that. Not you. You can only control you.
Damn !! Look at Dave getting all deep and philosophical. I like it.
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Haha. This placed is filled with people that ain't scared to show themselves. Dustin is still an asshole though. He is just sitting on the side because he knows what happens tomorrow.


Oh well LOL