I bought my 6 year old son a rossi .410/.22 Last year with hopes of getting him into to deer hunting this season. That little thing kicks like a mule. I even bought a limbsaver recoil pad for it and I still believe its to much for him. Also the .410 barrel is to thin to drill and tap for a scope mount. So I had to come up with another plan. I bought a cva wolf on sale. I cut 3 in off the stock and put a lb of lead in the stock. I also added the limbsaver pad. Weight is not an issue as he will be shooting off a rest. He has been using 50 grain of 777 Pushing a 200 Grain bullet. He loves shooting It and can't wait to get after them. Still using the rossi .22 Chasing squirrels. He has missed 8 but he's always ready to go again. Don't know if any of all that is any help but this is what is working for us. Good luck!