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Food, what are you eating?


Staff member
One of the interesting things I've noted each time I've had a serious reset is how quickly I'll shed 8-10#s and then I'll have a few weeks where I don't lose weight, but my body composition changes drastically. I'm in the window right now. When I break over the hump, I'll lose another 8-10#s in a short period of time, then I'll hit another period of equilibrium. That's the body's signal that you're shifting for carb burning to fat burning, and the increase in lean protein helps restore lost muscle mass. Our bodies are pretty damned resilient!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
It arrived yesterday.



Senior Member
One of the interesting things I've noted each time I've had a serious reset is how quickly I'll shed 8-10#s and then I'll have a few weeks where I don't lose weight, but my body composition changes drastically. I'm in the window right now. When I break over the hump, I'll lose another 8-10#s in a short period of time, then I'll hit another period of equilibrium. That's the body's signal that you're shifting for carb burning to fat burning, and the increase in lean protein helps restore lost muscle mass. Our bodies are pretty damned resilient!
This is exactly what I'm experiencing and talking about, Phil. My body is burning fat. I'm not sure how to articulate it, but it feels fabulous. I mean I feel different when I'm doing anything taxing. The way I felt 20 years ago, I guess. I'm feeling stronger, too. I have been a very, very active person my whole life with the physically demanding nature of my work, hunting all the time, etc., and a year or so ago everything I did started wiping me out. I was concerned that I may really have to stop doing some of the things I need and want to do, or at least do them less and less often. I have totally reconsidered all of that now. I'm going to get a real tangible gauge of my "progress" when I go for my annual lipid/metabolic blood panel and physical in a couple of weeks, but I already know what the results will show. I'm hoping to say good-bye to some medications on that day.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I hate you fucking people.... All of you reinforcing shit I know but refuse to listen to... Just let my 43 year old rheumatoid arthritis having ass eat my honey buns with a monster energy drink and die slowly.. :mad: I've done it before, I know I was feeling great, I know I saw an instant change in my physical well being, energy levels, and mental acuity. I know what I need to do, but I love me some shit food and you bastards leading by example aren't helping me ignore the obvious. Healthy peer pressure. Fine.. Fine.. Fine..

*To clarify. That's written in my pissy childish sarcastic tone.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I hate you fucking people.... All of you reinforcing shit I know but refuse to listen to... Just let my 43 year old rheumatoid arthritis having ass eat my honey buns with a monster energy drink and die slowly.. :mad: I've done it before, I know I was feeling great, I know I saw an instant change in my physical well being, energy levels, and mental acuity. I know what I need to do, but I love me some shit food and you bastards leading by example aren't helping me ignore the obvious. Healthy peer pressure. Fine.. Fine.. Fine..

*To clarify. That's written in my pissy childish sarcastic tone.
Man, I love me some shit ass junk food. But I tell ya, with each day that passes, I’m tempted less and less. I am feeling great right now. Best I’ve felt in a couple years, at least.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Man, I love me some shit ass junk food. But I tell ya, with each day that passes, I’m tempted less and less. I am feeling great right now. Best I’ve felt in a couple years, at least.
Had a small sliver of a peanut butter cheese cake Saturday evening. That was my cheat for the week, didn’t really affect me much. Wired me a little, but no gut issues.


Senior Member
I did back to back 24 hour fasts yesterday and today. I was soooo friggin' hungry by 3 both days, but I stuck it out. I'm going to do this as many days in a row as I can stand then try to make it two or three days.

Jim, soon you will not love shit ass junk food. The longer you stay away from it, the more likely you will suffer when you try to eat it, at least that is where I am. Last Friday I ate potatoes twice just to see what would happen. For lunch I ate less than one cup of garlic parmesan mashed potatoes that I had made over a week prior (they needed to go and they are too damn delicious to throw away) with a left over grilled boneless chicken thigh. For dinner I had brisket and venison burgers (on keto friendly buns) with deep fried french fries. I felt like crap and was very tired all day Saturday after two doses of big carbs. The only activity I had all day Friday and Saturday was a morning deer hunt both days. Carbohydrates suck. I'm fairly certain an energy drink would send me into a coma.


Staff member
We had pulled pork and veggies last night. Tracie had a wellness check on Friday and didn't like her results (she really eats like shit and has as long as I've known her) so she's on board. The girls eat like crap at the sitter, so we can at least feed them well at home. They all had fruit, pickles, pork, and veggies with peanut butter. Heard no complaints and that sure helps me. I was at a big event yesterday and only ate the protein. I could tell my table was side-eyeing me a bit, especially when I passed on dessert. The real victory was being home at 4:30 and I didn't drink a single beer, but boy did I want to!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
We had pulled pork and veggies last night. Tracie had a wellness check on Friday and didn't like her results (she really eats like shit and has as long as I've known her) so she's on board. The girls eat like crap at the sitter, so we can at least feed them well at home. They all had fruit, pickles, pork, and veggies with peanut butter. Heard no complaints and that sure helps me. I was at a big event yesterday and only ate the protein. I could tell my table was side-eyeing me a bit, especially when I passed on dessert. The real victory was being home at 4:30 and I didn't drink a single beer, but boy did I want to!
I know what you mean. My wife is skeptical but I sent her the rules for food that you shared saying that is what I'm doing and she's along for the ride as much as she wants.

I'm mainly looking for food and meals that my grandmother and great grandmother would recognize rather than pre-made processed 💩

I'm also using fasting and eating one to two meals a day as my other weapons.


Senior Member
I had a conversation a couple days ago with some family about fasting, our poisonous corrupt food supply, etc. I did mot breach the subject, they did by asking me about seed oils and beef tallow. By the time the conversation was winding down their eyes were glazing over looking at me like I had three fucking heads. Wasted my breath for 45 minutes. It is truly sad how misinformed, brainwashed and conditioned we are as a society about how and what to eat. I’ve kinda always known this a little bit. The more I learn the sadder and angrier I get. I won’t be having any more conversations like that. I will only direct people to the information to figure it out for themselves.