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Food, what are you eating?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Phil, just cut out all the processed foods that you eat. Replace any sugary drinks with water or coffee. You’re trying to reenergize your body using everything but carbs and sugar.
You’ll probably lose some weight initially, but you’ll gain it back eating healthier items.


Staff member
One of the interesting things I've noted each time I've had a serious reset is how quickly I'll shed 8-10#s and then I'll have a few weeks where I don't lose weight, but my body composition changes drastically. I'm in the window right now. When I break over the hump, I'll lose another 8-10#s in a short period of time, then I'll hit another period of equilibrium. That's the body's signal that you're shifting for carb burning to fat burning, and the increase in lean protein helps restore lost muscle mass. Our bodies are pretty damned resilient!