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.400 Legend versus….


Junior Member
Greene county
I will say that it did make a good entrance hole but never had an exit on them except for one deer. I found the bullets in the opposite side and nice and flowered. Shots were between 90-150yrd but only had to take up one blood trail and it was not great but could make do. I was shooting the Winchester 150gr polymer tip. Thinking about switching to hornady and giving it a try. But when you drop them where they stand you don’t need a blood trail 😂😂😂


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I will say that it did make a good entrance hole but never had an exit on them except for one deer. I found the bullets in the opposite side and nice and flowered. Shots were between 90-150yrd but only had to take up one blood trail and it was not great but could make do. I was shooting the Winchester 150gr polymer tip. Thinking about switching to hornady and giving it a try. But when you drop them where they stand you don’t need a blood trail 😂😂😂
That bullet you had did what it was designed to do. Dump every bit of energy into the animal.
Barnes and Maker (they sell the components @giles )

Some food for thought

The 400 will suffer for a few seasons until more manufacturers make quality loadings for it.

The ammo tests Doug shared earlier might give you guys some insight on penetration and the energy dump. Several different brands he shows so it is lilely the ammo you guys are using has been reviewed there and the video's aren't very long. The best round for the .350 he found was the Barnes because of the energy dump right away and the overall penetration with a bullet that increased in diameter 1.8 times the .350, the best on average expansion of .62 inches. I will definitely be looking for these for Jenna's gun and perhaps this may be the way I will go if I decide to get a new rifle.

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Junior Member
Check out Bear Creek Ballistics, they produce rounds for 350, 450 and 44 mag. I've been the eyeing the 225gr 44 mag but have not ordered yet. I've been following them for a year or two now and reviews seem to be really good. They are pricey though....
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The last few years in the 350 I was using winchesters deer season xp 150 grain. Both does hearts were hit and the blood trails were insane. I shot a 10 point pass through double lung , the blood trail wasn't terrible about average I guess you'd say easy track 80 yards. This year I switched to hornady custom 165 grain FTX. The accuracy is fantastic out of my AR. Only shot one doe so far them and it was a pass through. Top heart blood trail was insane. If I shoot another doe bonus weekend I'll try and go double lung and see what I get.


Senior Member
Supporting Member

It all depends on what you believe and what YOU want from the bullet. I prefer 2 holes (one being larger than the other) over an energy dump.

Also realize that we are talking relatively low energy straight wall rifle calibers, not a 3000fps bullet that creates additional damage besides the path the bullet takes (temporary vs permanent cavity).

350 legend my actual experiences
150 deer season xp - huge holes, generally dropped on the spot or easy trail, lots of meat damage
160 power max bonded - seems to hold together and one dropped in tracks, the other went 30 yards with no blood
170 American whitetail - two holes, easy trail but most haven'twent more than a fewsteps
180 PowerPoint- only one we've lost, don't thinkit expanded

A .355 bullet is smaller than most muzzleloader bullets and shotgun slugsand the 450bm so it makes sensethere isless blood.

Shot placement is king.


Senior Member
Supporting Member

It all depends on what you believe and what YOU want from the bullet. I prefer 2 holes (one being larger than the other) over an energy dump.

Also realize that we are talking relatively low energy straight wall rifle calibers, not a 3000fps bullet that creates additional damage besides the path the bullet takes (temporary vs permanent cavity).

350 legend my actual experiences
150 deer season xp - huge holes, generally dropped on the spot or easy trail, lots of meat damage
160 power max bonded - seems to hold together and one dropped in tracks, the other went 30 yards with no blood
170 American whitetail - two holes, easy trail but most haven'twent more than a fewsteps
180 PowerPoint- only one we've lost, don't thinkit expanded

A .355 bullet is smaller than most muzzleloader bullets and shotgun slugsand the 450bm so it makes sensethere isless blood.

Shot placement is king.
Last sentence is gospel.... Bullet or arrow in the boiler room results in a dead animal.
With that I'm going to opt for the 460 Weatherby..