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  1. G

    Mornin' geezer!

    Mornin ya all - dang :smiley_cigar:
  2. G

    Mornin' geezer!

    Mornin ya all - dang
  3. G

    Great moments in Cheetos

    Well when Trad Fool :smiley_babe: gotz cheeto crumbs in..................oh never mind :smiley_breakdance:
  4. G

    Mornin' geezer!

    Mornin Cuz - u got dem roughnecks regulated ?
  5. G

    FOR SALE Oneide Black Eagle

    Cud u draw a pricture?
  6. G

    Chat tonight

    Wuz u in da litter box :smiley_champ::smiley_breakdance::smiley_breakdance::smiley_breakdance:
  7. G

    Mornin' geezer!

    Howdy :smiley_breakdance:
  8. G

    Goose Calling Sample

    Here how dey souns = pfffffffffft - pffffffffffoooooont - pfffffffffffoppppnt - ppfffffffffft= pfffffffffffffft fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooootzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:smiley_breakdance:
  9. G

    Mornin' geezer!

    Mornin ya all - dang
  10. G

    Chilean Mine Rescue

    U a MagGruntled fuggar tday BR - lighten the fugg up afore i have ta come down there and regulate yur Marietta Mafia azz - U HEAR DAT :smiley_cigar:
  11. G

    Mornin' geezer!

    Well fugg Cuz - give us the gory details - wtf Mornin ya all
  12. G

    Mornin' geezer!

  13. G

    How far away can you here a grunt...

    pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffT :smiley_breakdance:
  14. G

    Mornin' geezer!

    Mornin ya all - dang :smiley_cigar:
  15. G

    How to sharpen broadheads? Tell us how you do it.....

    Jus sharpen da fuggars - it not rocket science fo cripes sakes - dang kids - :smiley_cigar:
  16. G

    Mouse hunt 2009

    Great story BR :smiley_chinrub:
  17. G

    Mornin' geezer!

    Danny Boy done went ta da Pokeynonoes wif him wifey - dang :smiley_crush:
  18. G

    Mornin' geezer!

    Morning ya all - dang -:smiley_cigar:
  19. G

    it was sweet

    Him the BOSS - :smiley_attention:
  20. G

    Mornin' geezer!

    Mornin ya all :smiley_breakdance: