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  1. Smawgunner

    2019 Strouds Hoodie

    Is shipping included? Very fair price if so!
  2. Smawgunner

    Are you a NRA Member?

    Lifetime member.....and they can fuck off and secede from the union.
  3. Smawgunner

    This better not ruin my deer season!!!

    Well fuuuuuk....it’s a hernia. Surgery won’t be till early October. Then 3 week recovery which means I’ll miss a good chunk of the first part of the season.
  4. Smawgunner

    And another one...

    $&@!#% that’s where I buy my ammo!!!! WTF! Where else in Athens am I going to go without getting raped!?!
  5. Smawgunner

    This better not ruin my deer season!!!

    Thanks all! Headed to the doc Friday.
  6. Smawgunner

    This better not ruin my deer season!!!

    Anyone ever dealt with a hernia? I think I might be getting one. Starts out with a feeling...like a bubble is popping through my groin area...just to the right of my pubic hair. I can't feel anything though. Happens when I rip a big fart or cough LMAO! No pain...yet. WTF is going on here?
  7. Smawgunner

    TOO Projects Thread

    I have that same saw...bought brand new. Never could get it to oil using Stihl bar oil. Even took out the worm gear...nothing wrong. I have to use motor oil. Let me know if you run into the same issues.
  8. Smawgunner

    Need advise

    He gets my vote....the deer in my hood are ruthless.....I never step foot in the bush without armoring up.
  9. Smawgunner

    Trucks/vehicles you've enjoyed!

    I love my new F150....love my new bike too!
  10. Smawgunner


    Harmless milk snake. If you killed it you’re a fool. Good for clearing out pests.
  11. Smawgunner

    Taking your ATV into the field.

    For those of you that have to ride your machine to your stand....how far away do you park it (if wind direction can’t be determined). I have some ass busting terrain I have to navigate so walking in isn’t an option from camp.
  12. Smawgunner

    2019 Stroud’s Gathering

    Cool. Is it at Strounds camp ground?
  13. Smawgunner

    2019 Stroud’s Gathering

    Ok...so fill me in on this shindig....details man...details. If it's Strounds Run/Dow Lake....my Camp is literally 5 mikes away!
  14. Smawgunner

    Whales, dolphins and sand tiger sharks in the Delaware bay.

    Sand Tigers are viscous looking bastards but are docile as all get out. I've been diving when 10 footers cruise right past without giving you a second look.
  15. Smawgunner

    Attaching a skull cap to wood?

    What is the best way to secure a cap to a piece of wood without showing any hardware like screws or wire? Anyone want to share their method?
  16. Smawgunner

    Chicken of the woods

    Anyone into picking these? Someone turned me on to them last year and they were superb. I've read and been told they grow late summer and early fall, but I know where there is a nice one now...actually 2 weeks ago. I'm 99% sure it's Chicken of the Woods.......right? Can they grow in spring?
  17. Smawgunner

    spring morels

    Decent haul for 30 minutes.
  18. Smawgunner

    Athens county trespasser...do you know this $&@* bag?

    About half way...by Sturbois Rd. Thanks man!!
  19. Smawgunner

    Athens county trespasser...do you know this $&@* bag?

    This guy stole one of my game cameras off Willow Creek road in Canaan twp. I have lots of no trespassing signs and a wire gate across our lane that he went under. He keeps his bike outside..you can see the snow on it. I filed a report with the Sheriffs office. This kinda shit really rubs me the...
  20. Smawgunner

    "Man Laws" of hunting

    Do NOT spend your first day of gun season sighting in your gun! These yahoos from out of town arrive on day one at 9:00 AM sighting in their new rifles while I’m in my stand 200 yards away.