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  1. C

    Team MacDaddy

    Checking in. Good luck Team!
  2. C

    Signs of fall!

    Apples dropping in the yard. Not fit for human consumption but the wife and I gather them for the hunting property. It's good to be married to a woman who likes venison!
  3. C

    Rut? Pre Rut? Where are we and what's the real difference?

    If you want to get really crazy, try these 13 phases! :smiley_bril: https://www.druryoutdoors.com/tv/thirteen/phase-breakdowns.php Of course these guys are marketing while hunting, so take with a big grain of salt. Like Hickslawns says, timing varies by location. If you do want to think about...
  4. C

    New guy from NE Ohio

    Portage County here, do most of my hunting in Ashtabula.
  5. C

    shoulder surgery

    I had the same routine done. Dominant arm. It took me about 12 months to get back to strength, thankfully without the pain and instability that drove me to surgery in the first place. After that, I found I had more strength than before the surgery, which was awesome. The doc told me it would...
  6. C

    Ohio 2016 Rut Report. County? Conditions?

    Starting to heat up in Ashtabula County. No kill, but a pretty cool sit for me... I tent camped at my property last night and a couple of bucks sparring woke me up about 10:00 pm - first time I heard that in person! Got me excited for this morning. I was walking in about 6 am and heard a...
  7. C

    Favorite High-End Bourbon or Scotch

    A few excellent bourbons...only including what you can get your hands on (no Pappy)... Booker's, Blanton's, Makers Mark 46
  8. C

    Moon dates and times

    Scoutlook peak hunting times never loaded for me. Their latest update says fixed that issue, so hopefully will work. I like the Solunar interface better and that it shows a month at a time. Like most free apps, SL pushes ads. Worth $2.99 for me to be ad free. It's good we have choices!
  9. C

    Moon dates and times

    This app costs a few bucks but handy to have on your phone if you're a believer in overhead/underfoot, moon phase. Also has sunrise/sunset times and a few other features. Solunar Calendar - Best Hunting Times and Feeding https://appsto.re/us/BZqYE.i
  10. C

    Scent Crusher

    Both scent purge and ozonics made a difference with a drug sniffing dog. Maybe it gains you a few seconds with a whitetail... http://www.fieldandstream.com/articles/hunting/2014/07/does-it-work-ozone-scent-control-vs-drug-sniffing-dog
  11. C

    This years buy list

    Not yet. It arrives tomorrow and if all goes well will be hanging from a tree on Saturday.
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    Who's counting?

    Apples look bare in my area.
  13. C

    This years buy list

    I was feeling a little guilty talking to the wife about my buy list, but you guys make me feel like it's normal! Got cabelas cold weather bibs and bought a mid weight pullover. Using hang ons this year so bought lone wolf climbing sticks and some stands - including that millenium M100u from...
  14. C

    Safety Harness

    I've got a couple from stands I've purchased. Might not be the most comfortable but could be a lifesaver. Send me a PM with an address and it will be on the way to you.
  15. C

    Cabelas opening Aug 11th

    For those near the north coast... http://www.cabelas.com/stores/store_info.jsp?pageName=077
  16. C

    the rut question

    I'm blaming a few of you guys for these ads showing up on this page! rotflmao
  17. C

    2016 Goal thread

    My goals: Be safe Enjoy time in the woods Learn more about how deer behave on my property so I can make good habitat improvements Kill a deer Hunt rabbits for the first time
  18. C

    When I'm not hunting...

    Nice work! And congratulations.
  19. C


    Tim Ferriss Show is a good one in the self-improvement vein.