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  1. Matt

    4 Wheeler Trailer Build

  2. Matt

    Wooo! Spring break!

    Yeah, figured I would give this whole marriage thing a second shot.
  3. Matt

    Wooo! Spring break!

    Thank you sir.
  4. Matt

    Wooo! Spring break!

    I tell you what fellas, if you want an amazing off-the-grid sub tropical trip, head to Dry Tortugas national park. Just got back yesterday, it was awesome. Did lots of fishing, snorkeling, exploring, got engaged. You know, the good stuff. Caught the cuda on fairly light tackle, 10 lb test. Those...
  5. Matt

    Wooo! Spring break!

    I'll just shit in the ocean if it comes to that. Thanks guys, gonna be fun, weather looks good.
  6. Matt

    What to chose!!

    Just my .02 if you reload, the .300 win mag can be loaded light. Still a tad overkill for deer-sized game but will be perfect for every big game animal in the states. If you don't ever go over elk-sized game such as moose and brown bear, I'd say the .30-06, .308, or 6.5 creedmoor. .308 and...
  7. Matt

    Wooo! Spring break!

    Sorry guys, no boobs here. Well... Not for you to see anyway. The girlfriend and I are taking off tomorrow afternoon and driving to Key West. We will be camping in Dry Tortuga's national park for four days, and doing some touristy shit for two. Taking some spinning gear and a fly rod, looking...
  8. Matt

    Elk Hunting.

    I have heard that in heavily pressured areas the bugling shuts down significantly. I've never been elk hunting before, nor do I know what type of pressure your area gets hit by, so take this statement for what it's worth.
  9. Matt

    Wool socks

    If you wear any sort of non-breathable rubber or neoprene boot, do yourself a favor and get you a pair of bama socks. We wear rubber boots on the boat in Alaska all day, and your feet will stay absolutely dry with these things. I wear them with a light poly blend sock, and boots about a size to...
  10. Matt

    Sportsmen’s Alliance Spring Fling

    Wish we could have stuck it out til the end, but it was a long drive home and we had an early morning this morning. Good times though!
  11. Matt

    What's For Dinner?

    Tried the corned venison recipe from Hank Shaw's "Buck, Buck, Moose" cookbook. Turned out damn good! It was about a 2.5 lb roast, sat it in the brine for 3 days before throwing it in the pressure cooker for 90 minutes with beef broth, onion, garlic, and a few spices. Finished the cabbage and...
  12. Matt

    My best pics taken by WingHome trail camera in 2018 summer

    Ol' Dick Thompson has some trophy gray squirrels in China.
  13. Matt

    What's For Dinner?

    Hell of a buy.
  14. Matt

    What's For Dinner?

    Looks good Joe. That smoker looks like it needs some more seasoning time!
  15. Matt

    TOO Homesteading

    Not my yard, friend of my moms. Which means since I'm loading the wood on a trailer and hauling home, it will end up being more than two days. Factor in the time for splitting, and I'm for sure earning my winter heat!
  16. Matt

    TOO Homesteading

    Worked on a giant shag bark hickory today. Ran out of daylight or else I would have gotten the whole thing cut up. Bad perspective, but that root ball is probably close to 7' tall at it's highest.
  17. Matt

    What's For Dinner?

    Got fancy tonight. Raw tuna, grilled asparagus, and tenderloin.
  18. Matt

    Well It Happened. Drew an AZ Elk Tag.

    I prefer the ol' Texas heart shot.
  19. Matt

    Sportsmen’s Alliance Spring Fling

    Just bought my tickets, see you guys there!
  20. Matt

    What's good TOO?

    Outdoors Club is beginning to pick up steam at Medina High School. We've had two meetings and have a student executive board, assigned work committees, and are starting to plan events. At the next meeting, we are gonna be walking the few sections of woods and swamp on campus to pick up trash...