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  1. RedCloud

    Deer meat question

    I butchered my buck here at the house on Tuesday night last week. I put the meat in my fridge that night. On Wednesday I cleaned the meat of as much fat as I could and reluctantly called the processor I used a couple years ago. I took the meat to his shop deboned and cleaned up of fat to have a...
  2. hickslawns

    Laptop question

    Okay, I did it. I need a laptop for some aspects of my business. Our current laptop is 4-5yrs old and the kids have pretty much taken it over. I also need one next week when I am hunting southern Ohio to reply to some Work Orders for certain customers I cannot do from my phone. I spent $500...
  3. Buckslayer

    Recurve question

    I bought a recurve today but cannot seem to find any information online to how much it is worth...thought maybe you guys could give me some history or information. Here are a few pics of it.
  4. JPN

    Another smoker question

    I didn't want to hijack the other thread so I thought I'd start a new one. With everyones success with the scent smoker I've been considering getting one myself.but the property I usually hunt is a HUGE hill and I sweat my butt off walking up it. After I get to the top I wipe off with scent...
  5. Curran

    Filming question for people smarter than this guy

    Didn't want to hi-jack Rutin's thread on this question so figured I put it here... I tinkered around for a few seasons filming some hunts and have just got around to the process figuring out how to transfer my miniDV tapes to the home pc. The problem I'm up against right now, is that the...
  6. U

    open carry question

    as all or most of you know i help out at a paylake , and part of my duties includes doing late night checks on the lake and any one there, here is my question with owners permisiion am i allowed to open carry while doing my late night checks aArticle I, Section 1.04 The people have...
  7. Kaiser878

    Question for you dwindling deer number people!

    Everyone seems to be in a uproar about deer numbers. If in your eyes the deer herd is to small, what are your thoughts on the grouse population? I would be willing to bet that there are not even a 1/4 the number of grouse in the state of ohio as there are deer. YEt no one seems to care about...
  8. U

    ice fishing question

    ok im very new to ice fishing , only been out 3 times , caught 2 fish in them 3 times, is there any certian bait , or tactic you guys use to fish , as in jigging or just throwing a minnow in the hole and letting it sit , any info is greatly appriciated , im tired of getting skunked ,
  9. finelyshedded

    Got an interesting question!

    What is your favorite buck taken by another hunter? Lets hear which typical & non-typical each of us here on TOO likes as their personal favorite. Another way TOO put it, If you were given the chance TOO receive a replica at no charge which TWO would be on your wall? Of course they will be all...
  10. "J"

    Bore Snake Question

    Since I aquired a bore snake from COB when I purchased the .410 I really like using them and since have bought a snake for the 12 ga. as well.... It works pretty good on the 20. ga as well.... I also would like to get one for the other guns that I own... If I got one for the .22 would it be any...
  11. Bowhunter57

    Santa Claus question...

    Do you know why Santa Claus is so happy? Because he knows where all the bad girls live. :smiley_bril: :smiley_chinrub: :smiley_crocodile: Happy Holidays, Bowhunter57