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  1. CJD3

    Big Yote

    Time to put away the 10/22 and get out the AR He's looking for my fawns... I'm looken for him. or http://s251.photobucket.com/user/3cjd/media/EK000217_zpse2a36511.mp4.html (not sure which one works)
  2. Outdoorsfellar

    M150 fox or yote ?

    Ok, this is when you want your cam in video mode, but even then, there can be variables. As you can see, these two pics are within the same minute. The fox is standing there with its attention drawn over to the woods. The second pic would make you think he's swinging around since you first...
  3. cynergyone

    Got a Yote

    Shot this female the other day in Jefferson County with my turkey gun and #5 turkey loads at 15 yards. These Amish guys who have coyote dogs came down to hunt the State Forest that borders our Sportsmens Club and contacted a few of us to hunt along with them in case the dogs ran one up on to...
  4. "J"

    Yote Problem?

    This was in the paper about a month ago, don't remember if I posted it back then or not... This was in the city of Salem/Perry Township which basically is all in one.....
  5. OhioHunter88

    Custom new Yote camo pattern

    So I was thinking of this, decided to try it on a stock that I had laying around. This is my first attempt but I think I kinda like it. I can do them in any colors but im thinking of doing some small changes, but anyway let me know what you think. Some side shots
  6. OhioHunter88

    New yote setup

    I picked up a DPMS carbine saturday... Can't wait to get out and try it:smiley_clap:
  7. finelyshedded

    More pics of my Yote after getting him home

    Here they are: Head on: Quartering to: Quartering to: Broadside:
  8. Rutin

    Time to kill some yote!

    Didnt wanna jack JBrowns thread but Im having a huge problem with them in my urban spots. Time to get aggressive with the bow and lay a few out! Saw one last night but it got in the corn to quick! Heres 4 yotes in one pic during daylight and this happens alot!
  9. finelyshedded

    My yote mount is ready! Yippe!!!

    I just got notified by the taxi who is doing my yote that it can be picked up this weekend or anytime afterwards. He posted it in his gallery so I took a pic and wanted to share it with y'all. It looks like he did a great job from this angle. Here it is:
  10. RedCloud

    Great video for yote Hunters

    I found a site that had a great video of yote hunting and toward the end they go over some of the calls and how they work and why they use them. Check it out when you get some time since it is a long full length video (left side). If your short on time and just want to see the calls then go over...
  11. finelyshedded

    Nice male yote down!

    Shot a nice yote this morning at 1100 o'clock. Froze my fuggin ass off and didn't see a deer! DANG! I haven't weighed him but figure he'll go in the mid to upper 30's. I'm heading back out and hopefully will have a pics with me and a big buck!:smiley_bril:
  12. moundhill

    Some questions about yote huntin

    Diablo and i are gonna be goin on a little yote hunt over christmas break, probly tuesday. I've never yote hunted before and could use some input. Such as... time of day, type of call and setup, best gun, etc etc.. Any help is much appreciated.