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1023's 2022-2023 Trail Cam Pics

Sgt Fury

Sgt. Spellchecker


Staff member
As of last Friday, he was alive. Cams have been slow due to the weather, so no clue if he survived the weekend. He's been mostly nocturnal, so that was a rare sighting, and cleary a hot doe was the cause.

He made it. I'm going to go broke trying to keep him alive (or kill) him. Deer ate 280#s corn from Tues-Sat and it's not even cold! Interestingly enough, he always approaches this cam from the same direction and did it two nights in a row within 2 minutes of the same time. I'm 100% positive I know where one of his preferred bedding locations is based on this (also corresponds to how he enters the Corner Pocket 9 out of 10 times). Will be nearly impossible to kill him between here and there, so I need brutal weather to play into my favor. And if not, I won't be sad if he's next year's #1.



Staff member
Didn't pull the card, but checked one of my Browning cams with the preview screen and Johnny Long Beams daylighted one day last week. I dropped a random bag of corn just to see what deer were in that area of the farm and he was there with 3 does a few days later. That confirms my suspicions on where he's bedding some of the time and if he doesn't daylight by Christmas at the other locations, I'll let them run dry and move a blind to this spot. It's tough to hunt and I can't use a cell cam, but it's a much better spot for the deer to feel comfortable. I really need an elevated box blind in that bottom to hunt it safely, but desperate times call for desperate measures.


Staff member
Life just got interesting here at the house! One of the guys at the feed mill, lives just down the road and when I was there on Saturday, he told me he'd seen a big 8 that he'd never seen before last week. Since he sees most of the deer I see, I figured it was a matter of time before I saw him. Well, he showed tonight and spent 45 minutes at the corn. I even slipped down there to watch him for a bit and he's plenty big enough. At this point in the season, you might as well call me Garth 'cause I'm about to be Shameless! He may keep moving around looking for a new home, but he might stay too. His right eye appears to be damaged, so he may want a place to hunker down through this winter weather. Time will tell how this plays out.

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