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2011 - 2012 Deer Hunting Contest


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I don't disagree with you, but it does make it more difficult. Some bucks are difficult to score even when you are talking gross. That right antler on my 2010 buck was a mess! It also kind of trivializes the doe harvests. A doe is worth 5 and bucks cold be up to 150...200?

Then how about the length of the longest tine on each side.

All they have to do is measure two tines. Stickers, kickers, flyers, don't count. Just the length of the longest tine on each side.

Buck= 10pts + Tine length 1 + Tine length 2.

What I'm trying to do here is figure out a way a slunger 10, and a basket rack 10, don't count the same... It's only logical that they don't. And it's only right the bigger one wins.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Then how about the length of the longest tine on each side.

All they have to do is measure two tines. Stickers, kickers, flyers, don't count. Just the length of the longest tine on each side.

Buck= 10pts + Tine length 1 + Tine length 2.

What I'm trying to do here is figure out a way a slunger 10, and a basket rack 10, don't count the same... It's only logical that they don't. And it's only right the bigger one wins.

Youre on the right track, but a mature buck with a heavy rack and shorter tines is going to score the same as your immature 6 or 8 pointer. I think a combination of main beam length and circumference of the 2 bases would be a good starting point.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Count me in. I think the way to differ between the mature bucks and the younger bucks killed. Would to be get a field dressed weight.

Do 10 pts for the buck, 1 point per scorable point, and feild dressed weight divided by 10.

A buck that has ten scorable points and feild dresses at 200lb would score 30 pts.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Count me in. I think the way to differ between the mature bucks and the younger bucks killed. Would to be get a field dressed weight.

Do 10 pts for the buck, 1 point per scorable point, and feild dressed weight divided by 10.

A buck that has ten scorable points and feild dresses at 200lb would score 30 pts.

Not everyone has an accurate scale though...

I like beam length and base circumference.


Staff member
I see what Joe is getting at and it makes sense...

Your first buck = 10 points + Length of longest main beam + Both base circumferences.

I like the idea of bonus points for killing on you have a trail cam pictures of, but do it in conjuction with the youth bonus. Basically, you have two ways to earn 5 bonus points, but only one can count. You can't take a youth hunting AND kill one with a picture. Not everyone has youth to take hunting or is running cameras; but we can all muster one or the other I would think. Each man on the team can submit one item for 5 bonus point: Either take a youth hunting or kill a buck you have a picture of. Make sense...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I think Chad is on the right track here. Forget about tine length and beam length.... I say we go with number of points, inside spread, and circumference of the antler bases. Mass and inside spread are great indicators of maturity for bucks, and IMO an old buck should count for more points than an immature buck, regardless of total inches of antler. Plus these are the easiest ones to measure for scoring antlers. There are way too many people that think they know how to score a deer, but measure tine length and circumferences in the wrong spots.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I think Chad is on the right track here. Forget about tine length and beam length.... I say we go with number of points, inside spread, and circumference of the antler bases. Mass and inside spread are great indicators of maturity for bucks, and IMO an old buck should count for more points than an immature buck, regardless of total inches of antler. Plus these are the easiest ones to measure for scoring antlers. There are way too many people that think they know how to score a deer, but measure tine length and circumferences in the wrong spots.

Inside spread screws deer that are high and tight. There needs to be at least one length measurement. Be it longest two tines, or main beam. I understand people cam make mistakes, or flat out measure wrong. But i would like to think we're smarter than a tape measure. Even if they suck at it, the difference should only be +/- an inch..

I like this idea.
Your first buck = 10 points + Length of longest main beam + Both base circumferences.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I'm in! Just a suggestion only fellas! Bonus points for having sheds of the buck and or TC pics or video and or kill shot video. Whatcha think?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Inside spread screws deer that are high and tight. There needs to be at least one length measurement. Be it longest two tines, or main beam. I understand people cam make mistakes, or flat out measure wrong. But i would like to think we're smarter than a tape measure. Even if they suck at it, the difference should only be +/- an inch..

I like this idea.
Your first buck = 10 points + Length of longest main beam + Both base circumferences.

Ah you're probably right. It'd be nice if we could just do total official score, but that's just not realistic.


*Supporting Member III*
This Florida guy is in regardless of what rules you dudes come up with. I'll hunt in FL (which will give me terrible scores), OH (which I hope to down a monster), and GA (which may or may not be good) this season. If it's only Ohio deer, me and deerburger are fine with that...we'll be there a week and should be able to knock something down up there... I wish I lived on a 500 acre farm in Ohio.:smiley_depressive:
I think that is the winner set of rules to me...

  1. Must have 50 post to be in the contest. Or something to that effect...
  2. Each doe killed is worth 5 points. Bucks under 3" of antler are also 5 points.
  3. A buck is worth 10 points, plus one point per scorable tine. Example: An 11-point is worth 21 points; a 9 point is worth 19 and so on.
  4. You can earn 5 bonus points for your team by taking a youth (Under 16) hunting during the season. Each team member can only earn the bonus one time. Example: Max bonus points for a 4 man team would be 20. A 3 man team could earn 15.
  5. Only deer killed in Ohio can be entered. (Sorry Gern!)
  6. In the event of a tie, the winner will be determined by the total number of deer killed. If the teams are still tied, the team with the most youth bonus points wins. If a tie exists are that, the two teams can sort it out because I'm out of ideas!

That's my general concept on things. Feel free to add, edit, change whatever you guys think would make it run smoothly. I like running 3 man teams just to boost the number of teams. To defend my "Ohio deer only" clause: This is The OHIO Outdoors for starters, not to mention the vast majority of us do not have the oppurtunity to hunt other states. Let's make the most of our oppurtunites here in Ohio and let the pieces fall where they may...

I am in
As a meat hunter
I like the 5 points for a doe

Watching a 8 and a 9 or 10 point
But I will be pickey



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Not sure my options on does this year. I might be limited to a 2 deer zone. Hate to cry, but I am thinking 2 is a good limit for total deer to contribute. The bucks are where the majority of point differences in teams will come from anyway.

Sent from my BlackBerry 9630 using Tapatalk

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Basically, you have two ways to earn 5 bonus points, but only one can count

What about the TOO buddy hunting bonus, like we did in turkey season? Everyone is eligible for a +5 bonus is they go with another guy from the site?


*Supporting Member*
This Florida guy is in regardless of what rules you dudes come up with. I'll hunt in FL (which will give me terrible scores), OH (which I hope to down a monster), and GA (which may or may not be good) this season. If it's only Ohio deer, me and deerburger are fine with that...we'll be there a week and should be able to knock something down up there... I wish I lived on a 500 acre farm in Ohio.:smiley_depressive:



*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I'm in.

I like the bonus point system for youth bonus / trail cam pic. one or the other but not both.
as far as buck scoring goes, dosent matter to me but I do see joes point about a small 8 being worth less than a big 8.

how bout 5 points per doe, 2 doe limit.
bucks will be scored by adding the longest main beam and the inside spread.
5 bonus points if the buck qualifies for pope and young, boone and crocket, or buckeye big buck.