Junior Member
Had at least five in the trees above me gobbling every time I made a noise getting out of the car. Needless to say I didn't see any turkeys and I'll be back and much sneakier in the morning lol
They're strange like that and yard up in the winter just like deer. They have a winter range but come spring its like a bomb went off and they scatter to their spring locations. The birds Alex and I hunt show up around the end of March each year. No idea where they come from they're just there one day.Since the end of March I have had no Toms on cam strutting. 8 came through on April 6th and another on the 13th. I have heard a few gobbling on the roost way off but that's it. Every spring they leave...earlier each year. There is a group of jakes running around daily numbering from 6-12. That number may drop by one if things don't turn around.
They're strange like that and yard up in the winter just like deer. They have a winter range but come spring its like a bomb went off and they scatter to their spring locations. The birds Alex and I hunt show up around the end of March each year. No idea where they come from they're just there one day.
Depends on the population of a given area I think. If the whole area has a good number of birds then mixing around doesnt gain them much as everywhere is full. Here in Clark only about 20 are killed each spring. Travis, Alex and I are 3-4 of those. The population is sparse and pocketed. They can move to a prime winter spot then prime nesting spots and back and forth. One thing is for sure though, where there are cows there's turkeys.I must be feeding them well as the flocks are here year around. See flocks 50-100 in Jan-March. Then they break up into smaller groups 5-10 for breeding. All winter all most every day I see a flock of 30-40 come out of the brush and walk across the yard going to the cow pasture to pick corn out of the cow patties.
What is the reason for using high power rifles for turkey? Is the population that high ? Just doesn't seem like fun to me but that's just my opinion. Not saying anything bad about it just clueless why it's allowed in only a few states. And not even sure how many states that is.