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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


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Don’t you worry none about those 41,000. The chance of infecting my little town and taking out generations is small. Totally worth the 6 lbs of meat. 🧐🙄
Calm down.... It's just like the flu... Nothing to worry about....
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Look at this map, watch it grow and notice the growth as Turkey season comes. Because those counties with low to no numbers will grow. Because they have turkeys and people will travel to kill them.


Supporting Member
Ross County
And here comes the effort to fudge the numbers so they justify all the BS crap spewing from the CDC. Any death ASSOCIATED with COVID shall now be listed as death BY COVID. This garbage has got to stop. Shit like this is why I don't listen to a damn thing to come out of the CDC or any govt entity...esp those concerned with the global warming panic.


That's just it! I've seen this kind of information along many others that are floating around out there, way beyond MSM news.

Due to all the misinformation/lying from the so called experts/officials that are supposedly looking out for all Americans, whom I DO NOT/NEVER trust/trusted/believe-in - all their BS/disinformation now coming to light, I say, who can you trust?

Me, that's who!!!

I have a military background as do many of you and I've had what I now appreciate today, gas/chemical/bio weapons training.

I intend on putting that training/info to some good use for once in my life since I cannot trust what's actually going on at the current moment.

I control whatever I can within my own home/property/family.

So, fuck the government, fuck the authorities, fuck the doctors and all those so called experts. Fuck'em all!

Prepare/plan for the worst/the-unexpected and hope for the best!

Something I've said all along.

That is my best recommendation to whomever I care about and know...

I'm done participating in this thread until/if we get through this damn crisis.

God bless you all and God bless the United States of America!


SW Ohio
There's more to this just released message from the governor, however I'm limited to the number of characters in this post.

Medical supply masks, such as N95 respirators, must be reserved for healthcare workers, first responders, and those who are known to be sick. Anyone with personal protective equipment to donate to frontline workers. To donate, visit coronavirus.ohio.gov.

My brother has a box of sealed N-95 masks. He called the local hospital to donate & they told him they can't accept them. Do they have to go through the coronavirus.ohio.gov website and then they give them to the hospitals, or are they giving them to first responders? Would love it if they would tell us how they are being distributed since hospitals don't seem to want them.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
This all started with a tiny tiny number. Don’t get your mind clogged because you have a special interest here. Only takes one traveler to infect an entire town. Over a stupid bird...

Special interest. 🤣. It's already in every town in America. This isn't a problem contained to cities. I was reading an article this morning about these tiny Caribbean islands that have it. Some of them only have 30 people.

I didn't say that some rogue turkey hunter that happens to be from a city, who happens to have covid, who happens to be staying in the country, who happens to not follow social distancing guidelines and happens to pass on the infection wasn't possible. What I was saying is there are risks far far greater in magnitude than that. Case in point. How many times a week do you still drive to Columbus then back to the country? How many fuel distributors, frito lay men, dairy delivery drivers, beer delivery drivers, all going to the same gas station and grocery stores those same country people visit. I mean i've never seen a kroger, Walmart, or Mijer out in the country. Wonder where those people in the country are shopping. Probably a city, before heading back to their country. Mailmen, amazon delivery drivers, the list goes on. The point is, in the scope of things, turkey hunters are not super threat of bringing the plague to rural America.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Special interest. 🤣. It's already in every town in America. This isn't a problem contained to cities. I was reading an article this morning about these tiny Caribbean islands that have it. Some of them only have 30 people.

I didn't say that some rogue turkey hunter that happens to be from a city, who happens to have covid, who happens to be staying in the country, who happens to not follow social distancing guidelines and happens to pass on the infection wasn't possible. What I was saying is there are risks far far greater in magnitude than that. Case in point. How many times a week do you still drive to Columbus then back to the country? How many fuel distributors, frito lay men, dairy delivery drivers, beer delivery drivers, all going to the same gas station and grocery stores those same country people visit. I mean i've never seen a kroger, Walmart, or Mijer out in the country. Wonder where those people in the country are shopping. Probably a city, before heading back to their country. Mailmen, amazon delivery drivers, the list goes on. The point is, in the scope of things, turkey hunters are not super threat of bringing the plague to rural America.
So you think this travel is necessary/essential? I do not. Everything else listed is necessary. Traveling across the state for a chance at a turkey is not. Those hunting locally, I get it. I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about the travelers.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Dave... The out of state turkey hunter spreading the virus throughout Ohio... REALLY???? I Just gotta disagree with you on this one... Like Joe said: There's a hellava lot of other avenues for this shit to spread... UPS, FEDEX,US POSTAL SERVICE... just to name a few... Where the hell have all those packages been, how many packages have been handled by some AH that was just scratching his balls... Not to mention that when the shit hits the fan in Cleveland, how many people will flee to the country to escape it... It's happening in Jersey where people are leaving NYC to escape it... But turkey hunters??? Nope don't think so... Most non residents will be responsible and worry about picking it up in a motel and therefore stay home...


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Dave... The out of state turkey hunter spreading the virus throughout Ohio... REALLY???? I Just gotta disagree with you on this one... Like Joe said: There's a hellava lot of other avenues for this shit to spread... UPS, FEDEX,US POSTAL SERVICE... just to name a few... Where the hell have all those packages been, how many packages have been handled by some AH that was just scratching his balls... Not to mention that when the shit hits the fan in Cleveland, how many people will flee to the country to escape it... It's happening in Jersey where people are leaving NYC to escape it... But turkey hunters??? Nope don't think so... Most non residents will be responsible and worry about picking it up in a motel and therefore stay home...
I said nothing about NR hunters. I said traveling hunter. That state line doesn’t mean a thing to the virus or me.
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Senior Member
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I said nothing about NR hunters. I said traveling hunter. That state line doesn’t mean a thing to the virus or me.
Bullshit!!!!! We all know you hate us non-residents.... :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:.. Just yanking your chain buddy... Who loves ya...
But I hear ya on the general moving around of hunters in general throughout the state... It's freaking scary as shit... We are way behind the 8 ball on this... Let's hope Ohio doesn't have the amount of cases we do when turkey season starts, this may help with your fears...So many ways this can spread... ITS SCARY...


Dignitary Member
Staff member
So you think this travel is necessary/essential? I do not. Everything else listed is necessary. Traveling across the state for a chance at a turkey is not. Those hunting locally, I get it. I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about the travelers.

And what percentage of those turkey hunters do you realistically think travel far to hunt? Of that percent what is the realistic percentage that has Covid. Then of that figure, what percent will stop in somewhere other than where they hunt. Of that percent how many will pass on the infection to a person there? What you're going to end up with is a number that is so minimal it doesn't even register when compared to other vectors occurring every single day. The mailman who doesn't know he has it coughing and handling every single persons mail on his rural route is a threat far far greater than a turkey hunter off in the woods somewhere. Rural Ohio, if you want to call it that, is not some bastion of isolation. I'm not saying its not possible. I'm saying it's a drop in a giant pond compared to other things.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I don’t have a number or distance. I’m just worried that to many of us are traveling for person reasons and not needs. Myself included. I was planning on going north to catch walleye last weekend. Canceled that. But then my stupid ass loaded up my entire family and went to a state park to go look for mushrooms. How smart was that?!
I have no clue what I’m trying to say. I just think we need to really think hard about what we do. I also sent my wife to buy a new pellet grill this weekend. Which also meant she needed to make a trip to the grocery for a couple of things. Unnecessary risk? Probably.
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*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
People coming to Ohio to turkey hunt is minor. 3 of the major E/W interstates(70,80,90) are funneled through Ohio. Connecting the major east coast cities with the rest of the country. That brings exponentially more people to Ohio than our turkey season.

Considering the huge amount of interstate traffic Ohio gets it’s pretty amazing our numbers are as low as they are.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
I don’t have a number or distance. I’m just worried that to many of us are traveling for person reasons and not needs. Myself included. I was planning on going north to catch walleye last weekend. Canceled that. But then my stupid ass loaded up my entire family and went to a state park to go look for mushrooms. How smart was that?!
I have no clue what I’m trying to say. I just think we need to really think hard about what we do. I also sent my wife to buy a new pellet grill this weekend. Which also meant she needed to make a trip to the grocery for a couple of things. Unnecessary risk? Probably.

Oh I totally get it. But honestly your entire family heading to a state park to look for mushrooms is fine. Long as you didn't play on playgrounds, or stop in buildngs etc. Just walking around the woods and heading back home poses no risk. Now the new grill and extra trips to the store do but people also have to maintain their sanity in these times. We just need to go about it in a safe and smart manner. Alex and I would be heading to KY in a couple weeks to turkey hunt. Even that could be done safely. Take separate vehicles, don't stop anywhere but our destination, and sleep in our trucks or separate tents rather than the cabin. And follow the social distance rules. It can be done. I'm probably not going to leave the family cooped up for a weekend to go sleep in a truck and kill a bird though. 🤣