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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Wow. Not sure how this will play out in world wide politics but he was a loose cannon

It really depends on how we play our cards. If we do nothing the customary tactic is the new leader will start a whole bunch of saber-rattling to show how tough they are. Then kill a bunch of people loyal to her brother or that she never liked. The transition could lead to a military coup, or it could be a seamless transition. One thing is for sure, the leadership transition is a dangerous time for her. I mean he killed his own brother because he felt threatened by him so who knows how bad she is.

I say we level every military and government installation that we know of and turn the country into a 25 million person refugee camp then let china deal with them.


SW Ohio
I had to run to the post office today and noticed that traffic seemed a lot heavier than it had been. Commented to the wife about it when I got home. Was just looking at drudge and came across this article on quarantine fatigue.

Researchers tracking smartphone data say they recently made a disturbing discovery: For the first time since states began implementing stay-at-home orders in mid-March to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus, Americans are staying home less.



Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I had to run to the post office today and noticed that traffic seemed a lot heavier than it had been. Commented to the wife about it when I got home. Was just looking at drudge and came across this article on quarantine fatigue.

Ive been bitching about this since it started! Pissed me off that so many people don’t care. The world is falling apart and these people only care that they can’t get their hair done.


SW Ohio
Ive been bitching about this since it started! Pissed me off that so many people don’t care. The world is falling apart and these people only care that they can’t get their hair done.
I think what we're seeing now is that people are just ready to accept the risks and want to move on with life. I'm starting to feel that way too. Not saying I'm going to change my behavior, but I'm feeling it...

But yeah, to your point, there are plenty who don't care...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My mom is a busy lady. Can't sit idle. She has been pretty disciplined. Yesterday decided she needed to go to Menard's, and Sam's Club. We've been doing store pick up of groceries for her. She knows the risks. I think people are just plain tired of being cooped up. I don't see her making this a daily occurrence, but she just couldn't stand it anymore I guess. I told her to get on their websites and shop for a front door. Order her supplies online and pick up. Nope. Just had to get out. She is one of the ones who HAS been using self control. At least she hasn't been doing this daily like some people who are sitting around bored.
FWIW- she had a mask, hand sanitizer, and used the wipes on the cart. She also said she distanced from people the entire time. This didn't ease my mind much.

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
I think we should open everything back up, the whole idea was to flatten the curve, which it seems has been accomplished. If you are an at risk individual, my mother is one, stay home, if you have to take care of an at risk person, stay home or take measures that are necessary. The idea of keeping things closed indefinitely is nuts, people’s lives are falling apart, I know 3 individuals who are pretty sure they are going to lose their businesses.

Funny how big corporations can be open, like hobby lobby, Micheal’s, for sure Walmart, Lowe’s, etc. if you are ok to walk around all these places, you should be able to sit down and eat or get your hair done. If you don’t want to, then don’t, don’t.

26 million applied for unemployment in the past month, if tomorrow all the restrictions were lifted, it is not like turning a switch back on and all the jobs come back. Sadly many businesses will never recover.


just sayin


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I’m saying, people aren’t following the rules anyways, put their asses back to work. Yes, at rick people need to take precautions and so do the ones taking care of them. That should be no different any other time, but more important now.

Side note, I still think the vehicle market needs crashed. I’ll take my loses and run what I have until I can’t. Bullshit what it cost these days just to get to work. Most people struggling right now is because of their damn vehicle payment. The people I know anyways.
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SW Ohio
I think we should open everything back up, the whole idea was to flatten the curve, which it seems has been accomplished. If you are an at risk individual, my mother is one, stay home, if you have to take care of an at risk person, stay home or take measures that are necessary. The idea of keeping things closed indefinitely is nuts, people’s lives are falling apart, I know 3 individuals who are pretty sure they are going to lose their businesses.

Funny how big corporations can be open, like hobby lobby, Micheal’s, for sure Walmart, Lowe’s, etc. if you are ok to walk around all these places, you should be able to sit down and eat or get your hair done. If you don’t want to, then don’t, don’t.

26 million applied for unemployment in the past month, if tomorrow all the restrictions were lifted, it is not like turning a switch back on and all the jobs come back. Sadly many businesses will never recover.
Problem is the curve won't stay flat if we go back to the way things were. But yeah, this isn't going to work for the long term either. Can't keep shutting down / opening up when the spikes come and keep destroying businesses and peoples lives. It's a catch 22... Hopefully we can find figure out a way quickly to get back to normal and safe.
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Maybe not back to normal. Those working from home should be able to do so if they wish. Teleconferencing should continue to keep travel down. Things can be adjusted and I feel like we can open things up. IF you are at risk, please, take full advantage of the things put in place.

Places like restaurants should be able to be open, just leave an empty table between customers. Lots of businesses can operate on a system like this. No need to pack people in like sardines anyways.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Is like I mentioned a week ago. The only people who are going to suffer from the closures and stay at home order are the people who did the right thing. There were, and are, a ton of people who flat ignored it and thought it didn't apply to whatever excuse they came up with to go out for non-essential stuff. It should have been enforced or not done at all. Yet It was done with the understanding that a lot of people wouldn't do it, but a lot of people would, and maybe that would be enough. I think what we're seeing now are people saying "why the hell am I doing this when nobody else is. Why am I staying home to accomplish a goal when other people are just ignoring it." Again it goes back to enforcement. People will eventually say "screw you they aren't doing it, so why am I.

I personally think that if we were going to do this lockdown it should have been far bigger and enforced to include a curfew. Otherwise I dont see how it was worth the tens of millions of jobs, massive increases to the national debt, and all of the other negative impacts.

It's like a war. We either fight to win or we shouldn't fight at all. This half assed tightrope BS is just that, BS. Nobody is going to starve to death if we closed everything for two weeks with a 1 week heads up.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Only my opinion, take it for what it’s worth. This thing may not go away, but if treated properly, it isn’t a death sentence. Trump has made mention of Hydroxychloroquine. Since HE mentioned, it has been vilified. Studies have been suddenly produced to show that it doesn’t work, it’s dangerous, yada, yada...
Now, I’ve not told all of you this; my brother was diagnosed with Covid-19. His family doctor laughed it off, said it wouldn’t kill him because he is great shape, etc. she told him if his O2 dropped to 88, he should go to the hospital. They asked about Hydroxychloroquine at the time. She dismissed it.
Steve’s O2 dropped over the next few days, temp 102+ the entire time. They called the squad to transport him to Riverside or OSU. My SIL was also sick, fearing she had it as well but her test had not come back yet. They called the squad because she did not have PPE to drive him herself. When the squad arrived they told her they would have to take him to Circleville Berger hospital for evaluation. So they stopped by Circleville. The ER doctor was afraid to treat. He asked my brother “what do you want me to do”? My brother got aggravated. My sil came to the hospital and drove him home with no PPE. My cousin is in medical management. She had been advising my brother from day one as she started her career as an Er nurse 40 years ago. She was in contact with my sil through the night. Knowing my sil had no PPE, she got in contact with another cousin who drove up from Pomeroy to bring her a couple n95. My cousin knew there was no time to waste and had urged my brother to go to the hospital originally. Of course after his treatment at Circleville, he had apparently decided he would just die at home and was reluctant to go directly to OSU. He could barely breathe. High fever. Once my sil had the masks and with my cousin insisting, he went to OSU. He was admitted immediately and started on Hydroxychloroquine. His doctor at OSU told him he would be onnit for five days and would start feeling better by day 3. Sure enough, that is exactly how it has worked. If he had started on Hydroxychloroquine sooner, his recovery from near death would have been even quicker! He may come home today or maybe tomorrow. He’s still sick but he is out of the woods, all due to Hydroxychloroquine.

My perspective at this point, if you contract this virus, demand Hydroxychloroquine if you do not have sever heart problems. This thing is new. Doctors that have not dealt with it are terrified and do not know how to treat it. Doctors that have dealt with it know exactly how to clear it up providing they see the patients before they are too far gone. The only reason the media is propagating the fear of this thing is to keep it going in an effort to destroy Trumps presidency. When people are treated with the drug Trump mentioned, they recover... if they aren’t already dead If Trump had not mentioned Hydroxychloroquine, no body would be warning of its dangers. If I have a choice of believing Trump or CNN, I’ll chose Trump EVERY time.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Is like I mentioned a week ago. The only people who are going to suffer from the closures and stay at home order are the people who did the right thing. There were, and are, a ton of people who flat ignored it and thought it didn't apply to whatever excuse they came up with to go out for non-essential stuff. It should have been enforced or not done at all. Yet It was done with the understanding that a lot of people wouldn't do it, but a lot of people would, and maybe that would be enough. I think what we're seeing now are people saying "why the hell am I doing this when nobody else is. Why am I staying home to accomplish a goal when other people are just ignoring it." Again it goes back to enforcement. People will eventually say "screw you they aren't doing it, so why am I.

I personally think that if we were going to do this lockdown it should have been far bigger and enforced to include a curfew. Otherwise I dont see how it was worth the tens of millions of jobs, massive increases to the national debt, and all of the other negative impacts.

It's like a war. We either fight to win or we
shouldn't fight at all. This half assed tightrope BS is just that, BS. Nobody is going to starve to death if we closed everything for two weeks with a 1 week heads up.

Joe, Joe... You'll be fine just drink a glass of Clorox..


Senior Member
it is most disturbing to see bureaucracy and/or politics getting in the way of providing a reliable treatment with a well known drug that is routinely prescribed for other things. for fucks sake, my mother takes hydroxychloroquine every day for a skin issue. prescribed by a Dermatologist. if I get this virus, I'll be raiding my mother's medicine cabinet for her Plaquenil if my doctor won't give it to me immediately.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
The drug is out there and proven to help people so if the patient wants it give it to him... As far as the doctor just giving you a prescription for it even if you have tested positive I don't know... Here in Jersey of the numerous people that have this virus and have tested positive for it the doctor will not prescribe it unless you go to the ER..

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The drug is out there and proven to help people so if the patient wants it give it to him... As far as the doctor just giving you a prescription for it even if you have tested positive I don't know... Here in Jersey of the numerous people that have this virus and have tested positive for it the doctor will not prescribe it unless you go to the ER..
Then go to the ER before you’ve reached the point of needing intubation. My brother nearly waited too long. This drug works. Knowledgeable doctors know it, even the rate at which it will work. No drug works on a cadaver. The media pretending this thing isn’t viable is just ludicrous and is likely the reason for many deaths. Despicable bunch of people.


Well-Known Member
Nw oh
Im working on the outskirts of ft Wayne Indiana which has 260k people. I don't know where in the hell people are going but traffic seems back to normal in town. Any store that's open is packed!!!!! Yeah some masks r being worn but I don't think there is going to be a mega mega boom upon reopening here it's got to be spred through a lot of our population I think seniors will be most impacted for the rest of this as it's getting into nursing homes now and the seniors that have been locked locked. Went to a hardware store yesterday on the outskirt and no employee or customer had a mask on, people r saying fuck it we r done with it.....or appears to be...
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