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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


SW Ohio
It bugs me that there seems to be a lot of "one-upping" going on in the medical field too. I don't think the big organizations and well known names like it when people not in their group or at their level are getting the spotlight.

Seems like it happened to the doctor who went viral on YouTube telling people how to clean/sanitize their groceries when they got home. There were reports for weeks that the virus lives on surfaces for days. Then an unknown Dr. comes out and teaches people how to clean those surfaces. Shortly after that, the FDA says there's no evidence of transmission from surfaces so you don't need to wash them (you can disinfect them "if you want", they say, as an "extra precaution").

And then here's a study saying the exact opposite - "The virus that causes COVID-19 remains for several hours to days on surfaces and in aerosols, a new scientific study has found. The study suggests that people may acquire the coronavirus through the air and after touching contaminated objects." https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/03/200320192755.htm.

We've all been told that viruses can be picked up from surfaces that others have touched and to wash our hands. Groceries aren't magically any different. Since I'm not going to wash my hands every time I grab a handful of chips from a plastic bag that can have a virus live on it for 72 hours, wiping the bag down with a disinfectant seems like the best thing to do.
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Then go to the ER before you’ve reached the point of needing intubation. My brother nearly waited too long. This drug works. Knowledgeable doctors know it, even the rate at which it will work. No drug works on a cadaver. The media pretending this thing isn’t viable is just ludicrous and is likely the reason for many deaths. Despicable bunch of people.
I agree on going to the ER if you have tested positive and you want the drug... Better safe than sorry... But we are talking Jersey... Hospitals are overwhelmed with people, so why bother them if your not that sick... The doctors of all people should understand this and just prescribe the medicine and not make you jump through hoops to get it and in the long run it would lighten the burden at hospitals...
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It bugs me that there seems to be a lot of "one-upping" going on in the medical field too. I don't think the big organizations and well known names like it when people not in their group or at their level are getting the spotlight.

Seems like it happened to the doctor who went viral on YouTube telling people how to clean/sanitize their groceries when they got home. There were reports for weeks that the virus lives on surfaces for days. Then an unknown Dr. comes out and teaches people how to clean those surfaces. Shortly after that, the FDA says there's no evidence of transmission from surfaces so you don't need to wash them (you can disinfect them "if you want", they say, as an "extra precaution").

And then here's a study saying the exact opposite - "The virus that causes COVID-19 remains for several hours to days on surfaces and in aerosols, a new scientific study has found. The study suggests that people may acquire the coronavirus through the air and after touching contaminated objects." https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/03/200320192755.htm.

We've all been told that viruses can be picked up from surfaces that others have touched and to wash our hands. Groceries aren't magically any different. Since I'm not going to wash my hands every time I grab a handful of chips from a plastic bag that can have a virus live on it for 72 hours, wiping the bag down with a disinfectant seems like the best thing to do.
Blan, I bought 4 bags of chips last Tues. they have been sitting in garage just brought them in today and they went right in kitchen sink... Warm soapy water then rinsed with sprayer... Bought beer last week all cans washed with soapy water, rinsed and put in beer fridge... EVERYTHING GETS WASHED... Shame is people like the idiots in Georgia will ruin it all for us people that are playing it safe... Just got a call from my nephew, whom I love... He's working on a house he just bought and had to pick up supply's today and wanted to borrow my truck.. He said just leave the keys in it I won't come in your house or have any contact with you... Now he is in Bergen County N.J. and is one of those hero's that are invinceable and has been out and about everyday.... That county is ground zero... Told him.... FORGET ABOUT IT NO WAY ARE YOU GETTING IN MY VEHICLE... If he was out and broke down on the highway at 3 am and called me, If have to tell him call a cab... He was told weeks ago to hunker down... Doesn't listen... So you make your bed... Sleep in it....
That is the problem, medical personal aren't trained to determine any of this as that is not part of MD training. The scientists who actually know how to determine this stuff are typically very quiet and just release the data. This is likely because medical personal will say what they believe it correct but typically it is not validated whereas scientists know that their data is never for certain until it is well tested so they will suggest rather than say for sure. I work in medicine and am not saying its a bad thing, but some of my coworkers hear someone say something and then run with it without testing it.

BTW strong UV required to destroy the virus, also destroys DNA and bleach truncates proteins, so neither should EVER be used on a human without incredible testing and doubtfully will it be bleach because we use bleach to kill our cells when we are done with them in the lab, they kill everything: cells, many bacterial/fungi, etc - and eventually the host.
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*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Why so many packing plant workers are getting it.
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A friend posted this on Facebook yesterday

Since every single model this far has been completely wrong, let's stop talking models and talk real numbers. The state of Ohio has run an experiment in what it looks like when COVID-19 runs unchecked in a population

At "Marion Correctional Institution, which houses 2,500 prisoners in north central Ohio, many of them older with pre-existing health conditions. After testing 2,300 inmates for the coronavirus, they were shocked. Of the 2,028 who tested positive, close to 95% had no symptoms."

4 have died...

For those playing at home that is a .2% death rate... A real number based on a real population with limited migration.

We are staying home quaking in fear, destroying our economy for a disease with a .2% mortality rate which is 95-96% asymptomatic.

And since science is all about replicability:

"In four state prison systems — Arkansas, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia — 96% of 3,277 inmates who tested positive for the coronavirus were asymptomatic, according to interviews with officials and records reviewed by Reuters. That’s out of 4,693 tests that included results on symptoms."



SW Ohio
What bugs me about all these numbers is that we're dealing with multiple strains. All the numbers are lumped into one basket but of the strains are more lethal than others. Not sure how we can get any level of accuracy unless we know what virus people have or have had.
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