My wife was home n bed for the past 4 days. She just blew out a candle. Put her head directly in the smoke and can't smell it. She freaked out a bit. Can't taste anything either.
Was just thinking about this, how is your wife feeling??My wife got the vaccine yesterday. Said she felt hot for awhile. All was well. She woke up at 2:30 this morning sick. She is currently curled up in the fecal position next to the radiator freezing with a vomit bowl next to her. Swears she isn't getting the 2nd round of shot
I have a question for any of you folks in health care/medical fields that might know. If I have gotten Covid 19 twice and fully recovered from it with only mild symptoms, am I as safe from getting it again as somebody that that has never had it but gets the vaccine? safer? I guess what I'm really asking is is my natural immune response better for me than that caused by the vaccine? the same? not as good?
COVID Anal Swabs for Beijing Residents More Accurate, Says Chinese Expert
Hundreds of thousands living in a key Beijing district have undergone antibody tests, as well as throat, nasal and anal swabs as the Chinese capital attempts to halt its second
So how far up your ass do they have to go? Just asking because with last year and this year it's get pretty crowded up there with all the bullshit.
Glad I’ve got a septic system.... SMDH....Probably not far. They've been doing viral load testing on wastewater at sewage treatment plants for a while now. Ohio was doing it also. Gives then an idea of the virus load in the community. Supposedly.