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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


Dignitary Member
Staff member
when I first started reading your post Jim I said oh shit, so glad things turned out well for you. That fatigue is a MF’r.

No shit. I laid up for about two days. I had zero symptoms and was feeling fine but I had zero energy. I understand with the flu when you feel really bad and you just lay there like jello. But I didn't feel bad and still laid there like jello. Strangest shit.


Git Off My Lawn
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North Carolina
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Cull buck specialist
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Tomorrow makes 7 weeks since I started having covid symptoms. As most know, I didn't have the easy sniffle and roll on, lol. I am very happy to report that I figure I put on 5.5 miles today walking with @Quantum673 and @finelyshedded

It felt great. That was the biggest/best workout I've gotten. It might not seem like a bunch to some. Cold conditions, extra clothes, poor ground conditions, I am proud to share that with yall. Lungs feel like they did when I was a kid and would spend all day swimming. Building back!

Ric and I actually got in the conversation about Vax. I wouldn't change a thing. Sure it got me down, but I'm alive and I lived 2 years free of fear. That alone was worth this little set back. Even if I do end up with long lasting effects, who's to say the Vax would've helped? I made a choice and still stick with it. Living in fear is no way of living.

Hopefully by the end of shed season I will be back to just bitching about my feet hurting, lol.