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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
And broadcasting Biden by double digits in the poles....
For sure! How do we know if they’re not lying or cheating about that as well. Who knows if they’re not asking pole questions to the protesters and rioters or within the city limits of all these big cities which are full of entitled democratic voters anyway.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
For sure! How do we know if they’re not lying or cheating about that as well. Who knows if they’re not asking pole questions to the protesters and rioters or within the city limits of all these big cities which are full of entitled democratic voters anyway.
Well there are no news shows only opinion shows

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Mom and Dad were released today! I spoke with Mom on the phone. She sounds tired. I have no better description. She said Dad has just been sleeping. He’s hardly eaten for the last couple weeks, I suppose she hasn’t either, but she is worried that he doesn’t want to get up. My guess is they are both exhausted. I’m just happy they are well enough to finish recovery at home!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Outstanding! Is someone gonna stay with them to assist for a while?
Gonna be tough to get them to eat, gotta make 'em do it for their own good.
Yes, my sister is staying with them. She will make sure they have plenty to eat. Dad has been a very picky eater for the last 15 years or so. Obviously he’s gotten worse through this. I remember when I was a kid he complained about being fat - he weighed 210 or so at the time. He is probably 165-170 now and a shade over 6 ft. Low volume consumer. My sister will put it on the table, doesn’t mean he will eat. He’s proven he can survive on a bowl of Schwanns ice cream before bed, I’m sure he will still choke that down.