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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


Active Member
Carbon, In
Hold up...Are you guys trying to say that the Coronavirus and variants of it have been around for years and we have all had it at some time in our lives especially when we were kids but now in order to try to get everyone to get a shot they use scare tactics? And to go a step further the number of deaths from "Covid" corresponds exactly with the decrease in the number of people who died from the regular flu? If thats what you're trying to say...that sounds crazy right?
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Dignitary Member
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Well, the Covid finally caught up to me I believe. Think I got infected at my PT appt on Wednesday as it’d be easy to get it on those stretching bands with so many patients using them. Plus one of the therapists was wearing a mask and had been I’ll recently. My symptoms started Saturday afternoon around 2, just felt funky. Achy, slight fever and headache right behind the eyes. We had to back out of a much anticipated wedding we were invited to because I tested positive with a rapid test I took just to be safe. Glad I did that! I should have gone to CVS right then to get a Z pack I had on order but screwed the pooch on that. Lol
Symptoms have advanced to back pain and dry cough. The back pain is hard to describe, ultra sensitive feeling and dull at same time, hard to get comfortable to sleep much now. Good news is I have no more fever and not loss my senses or appetite. I will have a virtual appt later this morning and see what course of action my doctor decides to do.
Anyone here that’s gotten Covid care to share what the duration for them was from first symptoms to being able to go back to normal daily activities?
Lisa and I had over the Xmas holiday Ric..lasted around 2 weeks for us..first 6 days sucked..still glad we didn't get that fucking shot..I know more people now that have been jabbed several times and and have covid now..shit ain't no better than putting water in you. Lol
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Dignitary Member
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You can't make this shit up.. Talk about the ultimate experiment. So this joker is boosted to the max and still gets covid with "mild symptoms" He starts taking a 5 day course of the the pfizer pills and on the 6th day he tests negative. He tests negative three days in a row. Day 4 he tests positive again and the symptoms are much worse. You can't make this shit up.




Active Member
Carbon, In
If a company made a product that repeatedly failed this horribly everyone would complain about it and return it. In the case of the "vaccine" that failed, people not only defend it and justify why they get it, they go and get more thinking the next one will work. Derp

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Paxlovid cleared me up pretty dang quick. In fact, I had surgery six days after being tested. I wasn’t 100 percent but was far improved from day two. Strange thing was after surgery, I felt like Covid returned for a week! I just assumed it was just from the procedure and being worn down. I had not read anything about the resurgence of Covid after treatment with paxlovid, so thanks for posting it!


Active Member
Carbon, In
1 part "vaccine", 1 part booster, 1 part oral treatment. I wonder what they are baking at 98.6 degrees? It clearly doesn't prevent Covid. I guess time will tell. It is experimental after all.
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Dignitary Member
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If a company made a product that repeatedly failed this horribly everyone would complain about it and return it. In the case of the "vaccine" that failed, people not only defend it and justify why they get it, they go and get more thinking the next one will work. Derp
Agreed. If we bought a product at a store which failed so miserably we would complain and mumble something about "the junk must be from China." Ironically, COVID is one of the few things China produced which worked well. Bastards.
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Active Member
Carbon, In

Not sure if this has been discussed yet, stumbled onto this article and found it intriguing.
I smelled something horribly fishy the whole time they were pushing this "deadly pandemic".

And then the smell of shit wofted as the sheep began to speak about needing a mask that doesn't even stop sanded drywall compound from getting in your nose, but it will stop a microscopic virus.

So yeah, my smell was affected
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Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
If there was 1 chance in the universe that I could do anything to not bring covid into my home and family and I didn't take it I should burn in hell. That's why I took the jab. Just me. I completely respect your freedom of choice
But here is the thing, the “vaccine” and all the boosters do nothing to stop you from bringing it into your home and family, in fact it could be worse because with milder symptoms you might not think it is covid and in turn not quarantine yourself.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
But here is the thing, the “vaccine” and all the boosters do nothing to stop you from bringing it into your home and family, in fact it could be worse because with milder symptoms you might not think it is covid and in turn not quarantine yourself.

Been screaming that the whole time. Remember back in the beginning they were all freaking out about super spreaders. The people who don't know they have it but could be infecting countless people. The vaccine created just that, asymptomatic super spreaders. At first, they denied it, then once science proved that vaccinated people were still getting covid they downplayed it by saying the viral load was way smaller, then science proved it was the same if not higher than an unvaccinated person. Why anyone believes a word these shitheads say anymore is beyond me.

Remember when they said hydroxychloroquine was junk and that anyone who believed it was a moron. Then pfizer came out with a pill that did the exact same thing hydroxychloroquine does in the body and people thought it was the greatest thing ever.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
If your old or have compromised health it isn't going to hurt. The benefits likely outweigh the risks. If I was over the age of 70 or had a serious health condition I would get it. It's not going to stop them from getting covid but any therapeutic help is better than nothing when it comes to the risk of getting covid without it. I have also noticed that the overwhelming majority of people who are getting covid right now are those who were vaccinated or boosted. The shot appears to be wearing off and they're getting their turn in the barrel.
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Active Member
Carbon, In
Been screaming that the whole time. Remember back in the beginning they were all freaking out about super spreaders. The people who don't know they have it but could be infecting countless people. The vaccine created just that, asymptomatic super spreaders. At first, they denied it, then once science proved that vaccinated people were still getting covid they downplayed it by saying the viral load was way smaller, then science proved it was the same if not higher than an unvaccinated person. Why anyone believes a word these shitheads say anymore is beyond me.

Remember when they said hydroxychloroquine was junk and that anyone who believed it was a moron. Then pfizer came out with a pill that did the exact same thing hydroxychloroquine does in the body and people thought it was the greatest thing ever.
Also...do you remember...or did you even hear about the 2 leading hydroxychloroquine plants "blowing up" shortly after Trump and Rogan made it clear thats what healed them. We are playing against a stacked hand gentlemen!!!