To completely disassemble a Mossberg 500/590/835etc,etc is a EASY task.If you have trouble I really aint sure what to tell ya(Without me getting a forum infraction :smiley_depressive

..2 men and a computer:smiley_confused_vra.My 8year old can completely disassemble a Mberg 500 20ga.No need for a 3in in a slug in ohio if you ask me but my rifled barrel Mossberg 500 shoots them just fine.Hell I would think a 2 3/4in sabot slug in 20ga has more than enough power for ohio deer.And the 835 loves them 3.5in shells,but my shoulder dont like them much:tantrum:.
As far as accurate goes a Mossberg 835 or its Semi-auto cousin the 935 will pattern better than just about any 870..Why?Well its not a opinion,its by design .If you do some diggin you will see that countless patterns have been seen over the years of many different guns, loads, and chokes, the 835/935 consistently posts higher shot counts. The 835 and 935 have basically the same barrel. Their barrels are unlike any in any other factory 12 gauges(exception maybe the BPS??). There was at one time a single shot also made by Mossberg called the SSI-ONE that also had this unique barrel. Basically the barrel is bored out to 10 gauge bore. The bore of these guns is .775 where the average 12 gauge is around .729. European guns like the Benelli are even tighter. Any time a shotgun has a bore smaller than the shell itself requires a choke ahead of the shell called the Forcing Cone. This forcing cone tends to be abrupt and compresses and deforms shot. Basically the forcing cone is removed from a 835/935 because the bore is so large. In addition, a SMALL bore requires the shot to string out in the barrel since the area is narrower. An 835/935 leaves more room for the shot to exit the gun in a shorter string. These things combine to produce less pressure on shot, less deformed shot, less fliers, and more shot in a smaller area downrange. If terminal performance is your end goal for a shotgun shooting turks(and maybe ducks,dove etc?) than a 835/935 is it. Most of the time they simply shoot tighter, denser patterns than most other 12ga when compared with the exact load/choke combos.
Now just to be clear we are talking terminal performance , If your into looks, pride of ownership, bragging rights etc then your idea of the "Ultimate Shotgun" may be different. To each his own!