Here is one I forgot to show you. It is work in SLOW process. It is a Rem.700 BDL long action. It was a 7mm mag. but I wanted a .300 Winchester Mag. I went to work on it and have had it setting around for the last 3 years waiting on $$$$.
I have done a lot of work to it.
I have trued the action. Lets see if I can remember everything I have done to it.
1. Barrel threads have been recut.
2. Recoil lugs trued
3. The face of the action recut. This is where the recoil lug goes between the barrel and action.
4. Bolt nose trued.
5. Bolt rejewled.
6. Bolt locking lugs trued and lapped to mate with action lugs.
7.Bolt face trued.
8. New titanium firing pin.
9. New spring for firing pin and bolt release.
I have the chamber reamer and 100 new brass. The brass I have trued the primer pockets and reamed the flash hole on the inside of the brass.
I have been working on one of these machines in my shop.
Here is how far I am on this project.
I figure I can spend $300. + on a barrel or learn how to make one myself. Then there is no stopping me.:smiley_depressive: This machine is supose to be able to produce match quality barrels. Hopefully we will see.