Junior Member
SWEET! That looks like a target crown on the muzzle. Hard to see. Is that considered a heavy bull barrel?
Been while you're thinking about the .308 brass and that other thing, add to it that I have lots of brass in the above caliber if you want! No charge, just cause i like you! :smiley_crocodile::smiley_clap:
I do not reload BTW.
Nice I have always wanted to try one of those red dots. I want to put one on my Browning Buck Mark .22 for squirrel hunting.
That will be a good rig. I especially like the fact that the scope runs about $300 more than the rifle
Not if you are an experienced horse trader.lmao I bought a collection of guns last year. Sold off a bolt action 22 with bull barrel for $190. I had $200 in the gun but kept the scope. That scope cost me $10. Don't tell me you have never done it yourself. hahahahahha